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Research City Section: New Series of Interviews with Young Scientists

22 January, 2024 - 17:30

Research City Section: New Series of Interviews with Young Scientists

Тамара Корнева
Дмитрий Ковшов

On January 21, Russia celebrated Postgraduates Day. Today, the image of the researcher has become more modern and attractive to young people. There are 326 postgraduates taking different courses at Saratov State University, 111 of them were enrolled in 2023.

It is often at this level that the career of young scientists begins, this is the first step towards their development. To help them focus on solving scientific issues, the President of the country announced at the Congress of Young Scientists an increase in scholarships for certain categories of postgraduates to 75 thousand roubles.

Dozens of projects aimed at supporting novice researchers are implemented at SSU. Postgraduates have scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation to young scientists and postgraduates engaged in promising research and development in priority areas of modernisation of the Russian economy; RFBR grants owners as part of the contests in 2019 and 2020 for the best projects of fundamental research carried out by young scientists taking (RFBR-Postgraduates); co-executers of grants from the President of the Russian Federation for young candidates and doctors of sciences, as well as executors of grants from Russian Science Foundation and government mega-grants.

The final stage of the RFBR-Postgraduates contest is considered to be have the right to present prepared dissertations in one of the dissertation councils of the country. The first eighteen RFBR projects were implemented from October 2019 to September 2022. There were thirteen more projects from October 2020 to September 2023. In total, eighteen postgraduates were allowed to present their dissertations in 2022, and eleven more in 2023.

Some of the postgraduates who successfully presented their theses ahead of the schedule are Anastasia Plotnikova, Pavel Barkov, Maria Kuznetsova, Vitalii Khanadeyev, and Elena Rybalova. A series of interviews in the Research City section is dedicated to them, and the first to answer the questions was a postgraduate Alexei Khramkov. Read the text here.