Julia Ivanova, a fifth-year student of the Institute of History and International Relations in “Social and cultural service and tourism” specialty, won the regional “Best student of Russia – 2015” competition. Results were announced at Saratov Regiona Duma on May, 25.
The regional tournament received 63 applications from all Saratov Region universities. The competition started in December, 2014 and included seven stages: essay, artistic show, student record books competition, sport competition, debates, social project presentation, and round table on student issues. Julia Ivanova received the highest score at every stage.
In December, the participant completed their first task – wrote their essays where they presented themselves and gave reasons why they should become the best student. Julia Ivanova wrote about her excellence in study and her achievement in the third and fourth years in university.
For the artistic show, Julia together with a the Institute of History and International Relations student David Musaelian prepared a dance “Reflection” that was presented at “Miss and Mister SSU – 2015” festival. Sport competitions included different tasks on teambuilding.
For the debates, the participants had to think about if teaching twerk dancing is appropriate in higher education institutions? The winner successfully argued her case and persuaded the jury that twerking is completely inappropriate.
At the round table with the Chair of Public Relations and National Policy Committee B.L. Shinchuk the participants discussed issues that concern students like scholarships and financial aid and lack of initiative among young people.
“Student record books competition was the easiest for me because I passed the two last exam sessions with all A’s”, Shares Julia. “The most interesting part was the presentation of my social project. I presented “Tourist Atlas of Saratov Region”. When choosing interesting landmarks, I created images for every part of the region. This format helps to create a brand for every part and for the region as a whole. People could build associations between regions and its landmarks”.
It is important to say that Julia Ivanova’s project has already won recognition. Julia won the second degree award at the international competition “Tourism development in my country” (Antalia), won student forums “i-Volga-2014” and “Seliger-2014”. She was the first “Regional Tourism Issues” competition.
Julia said high level of training helped her win. “I did not feel much competition. Saratov State University stands out!”
In the autumn, the student will represent the university at all-Russia competition “Best student of Russia – 2015”.