On June 29th, Saratov State University hosted Open Day for future Master students. The meeting was attended by SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko, Vice-rector for educational work E.G. Elina, Vice-rector for educational and organizational work I.G. Malinski, heads of structural units and Master programs.
Vice-rector for educational and organizational work I.G. Malinski addressed the guests, colleagues and students inviting the latter to apply to Saratov University.
A.N. Chumachenko congratulated the party on graduating the university. He believes Master Studies are an important element of higher education system. National research universities have a priority in teaching and administering Master programs. This is evident from the number of educational programs and number of applicants that grow steadily every year in our University. This year the number of state-funded places has doubled - 786 will enroll in Master Studies. “SSU offers Master programs in many different areas; this year we have over 100 Master programs”, said A.N. Chumachenko. “I think everyone could find something to their liking”.
Vice-rector for educational work E.G. Elina talked about advantages of Master Studies. Master’s degree is the second stage of higher education and gives a number of opportunities. Under the Law on Education, when entering Master Studies graduates could change their specialty. So there are three options: to continue studies in the same specialty; to choose an area of studies that has some connections with the existing specialty; or to change specialty and receive another higher education.
For those entering Master Studies in Teacher’s education E.G. Elina mentioned the latest professional standard of a teacher. It says that education workers in teaching specialties have to complete professional re-training in three years after graduating the university. Getting a Master’s degree in Teacher’s Education is one of the best options of fulfilling that requirement.
Saratov University Master programs are managed by famous scientists – professors and associate professors who are actively involved in research and have a significant authority in the world scientific community.
E.G. Elina divided SSU master programs in three groups. The first, classic, one includes programs in Geography, Biology, Philology, Geology, Philosophy, Sociology, Physics, etc. the second group consists of applied programs: Ecology and Environmental Management, Mathematics and Computer Science, Management, Tourism. Teacher’s Education programs include Informatics in Education, Teaching the Gifted and Talented, Inclusive Education.
Many advantages of Master Studies include the length of study, working with SSU leading scientists and professors, convenient schedule. “According to statistics, over 90% of the University Master’s students are working”, said E.G. Elina. “We understand that and try to schedule Master classes in the evening and on weekends so that students could combine their work and studies”.
Then the word was given to representatives of university structural units. Faculty of Law Dean G.N. Komkova, Institute of Philology and Journalism scientific advisor V.V. Prozorov, responsible for educational work at the Faculty of Biology O.I. Yudakov, Faculty of Nano- and Biomedical technologies Dean S.B. Venig, Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education Dean R.M. Shamionov addressed the guests. They talked about entering requirements and programs’ content. Today employees are getting more and more interested in Master’s degree holders. Entering Saratov State University Master programs students make the right choice.
At the end of the Open Day students could get individual consultations. They asked about studying at several programs simultaneously, demand for Master students, and Master Studies preparatory courses.
Information about educational programs is available online on Admissions page, in Central Admissions Committee, phone 51-92-26, and in faculty and institute admissions committees that work from 10:00 to 14:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays.