
Pavlenko, R.I. Functioning of Epistolary Genre in Modern Mass Media (a Case Study of NTV TV Company Journalists' Open Letters of 2001) // Filologicheskiye etudy [Philological Studies]: Collection of young scientists' reserach papers: In 3 parts. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2009. Iss. 12. P. I-II. pp. 320-324.
Pavlenko, R.I. Literary Materials in 1996 Izvestiya Newspaper // Filologicheskiye etudy [Philological Studies]: Collection of young scientists' reserach papers: In 3 parts. Saratov, 2011. Iss. 14. P. I-II. pp. 300-305.
Pavlenko, R.I. Means of Presenting Literary Materials in Mid-1990s Nezavisimaya Gazeta // Filologicheskiye etudy [Philological Studies]: Collection of young scientists' reserach papers: In 3 parts. Saratov, 2013. Iss. 16: in 2 vol. Vol. 1. pp. 267-274.
Pavlenko, R.I. Education and Entertainment as Key Constituents of Literary Life Publications in 1997-1999 Nezavisimaya Gazeta // Filologiya i chelovek [Philology and People]. Barnaul: Publishing House of Altai State University, 2013. № 2. pp. 172–178.
Pavlenko, R.I. Literary Materials in Nezavisimaya Gazeta and Society Life of the Mid-1990s // Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism Series. Saratov, 2013. Vol. 13, iss. 3. pp. 107-111.
Pavlenko, R.I. Obituary in Newspapers and Magazines at the Intersection of XIX-XX and XX-XXI Centuries // Filologicheskiye etudy [Philological Studies]: Collection of young scientists' reserach papers. - Saratov, 2015. Iss. 18. pp. 240-249.
Pavlenko, R.I. Correlation between Fiction and Reality in Literary Critics' Interpretation of New Magazines of the Second Half of 1990s // Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism Series. Saratov, 2015. Vol. 15, iss. 4. pp. 118-121.