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Space Research in SSU

Saratov University is directly related to space exploration, and the history of research within the walls of SSU is rich in interesting discoveries.

IKOR-M radiometers, radio telescopes and polarimeters

The most important achievement of SSU in the field of space research was the development and creation, under the guidance of Professor Yu.A. Sklyarov (1931-2014), of satellite equipment for measuring the components of the Earth's radiation balance, which is successfully operating in space at the present time.

Yuri Andreevich is a talented designer, popularizer of science, a good teacher. Yu.A. Sklyarov has devoted more than 50 years to the study of astronomy, meteorology and climatology. His scientific works became the basis for the training of future meteorologists and geographers.

In 2009 and 2014, Meteor-M hydrometeorological satellites No. 1 and No. 2 were launched into orbit. They included IKOR-M radiometers, which are devices for measuring solar radiation reflected from the Earth's surface. In 2011, the ISP-2M solar constant meter began operating on the Electro-L geostationary satellite. The chief designer of these devices was Yu.A. Sklyarov. The information obtained by the devices is still of great interest for specialists to study the climate of our planet.

On the basis of the Geographical Faculty of the SSU, Yu.A. Sklyarov created a laboratory for the study of the components of the Earth's radiation balance, which is based on satellite observations of the planet's climate. In it, Yuri Andreevich's students continue the work of their mentor: they study near-Earth space, conduct space research. This is how the continuity of development of the Saratov Scientific School of Earth Exploration from space is maintained.

A group of radio astronomers led by Professor of the Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics A.V. Khokhlov created two solar radio telescopes, developed a polarimeter that allows measuring all parameters of the Stokes of radio emission at a frequency of 8.9 gigahertz. For many years, high-precision measurements of the flux and polarization of the Sun's radio emission have been carried out, and unique data have been obtained on the change in the polarization of radiation during a powerful solar flare.

Professor M.B. Bogdanov (1951-2023), together with colleagues, graduate students and graduate students, studied the effects of the interaction of cosmic rays with the Earth's atmosphere and changes in insolation caused by planetary perturbations of the Earth's orbit and variation of the solar constant.

From 1957 until the early 1990s, an observation station operated at the university. Along with the traditional visual observations of satellites, for many years, a complete astrometric processing of photographic observations was carried out at the stations of the Astronomical Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences in various parts of the globe. The obtained high-precision series of observations were used in international programs to study the evolution of the orbits of artificial Earth satellites, the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, and solving problems of global geodesy and geodynamics. The station staff conducted research in various fields of astronomy: asteroid astrometry, observation of variable stars, development of methods to increase the angular resolution of telescopes.

Space research today

Today, the university is turning to space exploration in the educational and scientific process.

SSU scientists are engaged in processing satellite data of reflected solar radiation fluxes from IKOR-M radiometers installed on Meteor-M series hydrometeorological satellites.

The university has implemented and is using its own field editing and analysis program for IKOR "IKOR Fields Editor".

SSU, in partnership with the North-West Center for Strategic Research Foundation, has developed the concept of a digital management platform for the Saratov agglomeration based on the use of geoinformation technologies and the use of remote sensing data.

New training courses "Remote sensing of the Earth" and "Radiation balance of the Earth" have been developed. They are aimed at developing skills, competencies and knowledge in the field of space monitoring of the natural environment, including atmospheric processes and climate variability, as well as in the field of processing and analyzing remote sensing data for practical and scientific purposes.

In 2008, an initiative group of students and teachers decided to create a scientific society of astronomy enthusiasts of SSU. The participants set the task of preserving the existing and creating new observation equipment, conducting regular observations (at the university observatory and on visiting sites), as well as popularizing astronomy.

"One of the tasks that the Society of astronomy enthusiasts of the SSU solves is to expand the range of interests of modern youth. Astronomy can be the beginning of scientific research for a young specialist. The company has its own surveillance equipment. All astronomy enthusiasts, including those who are not employees or students of SSU, take part in its work. They are engaged in special sections of astronomy – astrophotography, the study of the Earth's ionosphere, the construction of telescopes, and bring their equipment for testing at our events. Novice amateur astronomers also take part in the events, for whom a quick start, understanding of the possibilities of technology and the ability to adjust the telescope are important," notes Associate professor of the Department of Medical Physics, responsible for the work of the society A.P. Rytik.

Since 2018, the organizers of the SSU Amateur Astronomy Society have been involved in the preparation and holding of the All-Russian Olympiad of Students in Astronomy (school, city and regional stages). The task of this Olympiad is to motivate students to further study not only this science, but also physics and mathematics.

In honor of Cosmonautics Day, the university hosts a "Space Relay Race" every year, within the framework of which open lectures, quests, film screenings, and excursions are held.

The text by Daniil Pronin

The photos from the archives of the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, SSU; the Institute of Physics, SSU; the Astronomy Club, SSU;; Dmitrii Kovshov; the Office of Media Communications, SSU

Translated by Lyudmila Yefremova