EN Lazareva, VV Tuchin, Measurement of refractive index of hemoglobin in the visible/NIR spectral range Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(3), 2018, стр. 1-9 DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.3.035004
EN Lazareva, VV Tuchin, Blood refractive index modelling in the visible and near infrared spectral regions Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Eng 4(1), 2018, стр. 010503-1 – 010503-8 DOI: 10.18287/JBPE18.04.010503
IY Yanina, EN Lazareva, VV Tuchin, Refractive index of adipose tissue and lipid droplet measured in a wide spectral and temperature Applied Optics 57 (17), 2018, стр. 4839-4848 DOI: doi: 10.1364/AO.57.004839
A.N. Bashkatov, K.V. Berezin, K.N. Dvoretskiy, M.L. Chernavina, E.A. Genina, V.D. Genin, V.I. Kochubey, E.N. Lazareva, A.B. Pravdin, M.E. Shvachkina, P.A. Timoshina, D.K. Tuchina, D.D. Yakovlev, D.A. Yakovlev, I.Yu. Yanina, O.S. Zhernovaya, and V.V. Tuchin "Measurement of tissue optical properties in the context of tissue optical clearing," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(9), 091416 (23 August 2018).
O.A. Smolyanskaya, E.N. Lazareva, S.S. Nalegaev, N.V. Petrov, K.I. Zaytsev, P.A. Timoshina, D.K. Tuchina, Ya. G. Toropova, O.V. Kornyushin, A. Yu. Babenko, J.-P. Guillet, V.V. Tuchin, «Multimodal Optical Diagnostics of Glycated Biological Tissues» - // Biochemistry (Moscow), 84 (1), с. 124-143, 2019 DOI: 10.1134/S0006297919140086
R.E. Noskov, A.A. Zanishevskaya, A.A. Shuvalov, S.V. German, O.A. Inozemtseva, T.P. Kochergin, E.N. Lazareva, V.V. Tuchin, P. Ginzburg, J.S. Skibina, D.A. Gorin, «Enabling magnetic resonance imaging of hollow-core microstructured optical fibers via nanocomposite coating» - // Optics express, Vol. 27, No. 7, 2019, с.9868-9878,
M.M. Nazarov, O.P. Cherkasova, E.N Lazareva, A.B. Bucharskaya, N.A. Navolokin, V.V. Tuchin, Alexander P Shkurinov, «A complex study of the peculiarities of blood serum absorption of rats with experimental liver cancer» - // Optics and Spectroscopy 126 (6), с.721-729, 2019 DOI: 10.21883/OS.2019.06.47775.53-19
P.A. Dyachenko (Timoshina), L.E. Dolotov, E.N. Lazareva, A.A. Kozlova, O.A. Inozemtseva, R.A. Verkhovskii, G.A. Afanaseva, N.A. Shushunova, V.V. Tuchin, E.I. Galanzha, V.P. Zharov, «Detection of Melanoma Cells in Whole Blood Samples Using Spectral Imaging and Optical Clearing» -// IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 2021, 27(4), 9310679
M.V. Novoselova, T.O. Abakumova, ,B.N. Khlebtsov, T.S. Zatsepin, E.N. Lazareva, V.V. Tuchin, V.P. Zharov, D.A. Gorin, E.I. Galanzha, «Optical clearing for photoacoustic lympho- and angiography beyond conventional depth limit in vivo» - // Photoacoustics, 2020, 20, 100186
Q. Lin, E.N. Lazareva, V.I. Kochubey, Y. Duan, V.V. Tuchin, «Kinetics of optical clearing of human skin studied in vivo using portable Raman spectroscopy» - // Laser Physics Letters, 17(10), 105601, 2020
T. Ermatov, R.E. Noskov, A.A. Machnev, I. Gnusov, V. Аtkin, E.N. Lazareva, S.V. German, S.S. Kosolobov, T.S. Zatsepin, O.V. Sergeeva, J.S. Skibina, P.Ginzburg, V.V. Tuchin, P.G. Lagoudakis, D.A. Gorin, «Multispectral sensing of biological liquids with hollow-core microstructured optical fibres» - // Light: Science and Applications 9:173, стр. 1-12, 2020
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin, “Monitoring of hemoglobin glycation using spectral and refraction measurements,”PIBM 2006, 5th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, 1-3 September 2006, Wuhan, China, Final Program and Abstract Book, p. 102.
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin, «Application of spectral method for monitoring of hemoglobin glycation», Complex Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics III, V.V. Tuchin (Ed.), Proc. SPIE 6436, Bellingham, WA, USA, 2007.
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin n, «Estimation of complex refractive index of hemoglobin at its incubation with glucose», Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine VIII, V.V. Tuchin (Ed.), Proc. SPIE 6535, Bellingham, WA, USA, 2007.
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin, «Monitoring of hemoglobin glycation using spectral and refraction measurements», Qingming Luo, Lihong Wang,, and Valery V. Tuchin (Eds.), Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Qingming Luo, Lihong V. Wang , Valery V. Tuchin, Min Gu (Eds.), Proc. SPIE 6534, Bellingham, WA, USA, 2007.
Ekaterina N. Lazareva, Valery V. Tuchin, Igor V. Meglinski, «Measurements of absorbance of hemoglobin solutions incubated with glucose», Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine IX, V.V. Tuchin (Ed.), Proc. SPIE 6791, pp67910-67910O, Bellingham, WA, USA, 2008.
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin, « Dynamics of visible absorbance spectrum of hemoglobin solution incubated with glucose», Advances in Biomedical Photonics and Imaging Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM 2007) Wuhan, China, 2008.
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin “Monitoring of interaction of hemoglobin and glucose molecules by spectral method” Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Dynamics and Fluctuationssin Biomedical Photonics VI. "Dynamics and Fluctuations in Biomedical Photonics VI" San Jose, CA, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7176, 71760O-1-9, 2009.
E.N. Lazareva and V.V. Tuchin, “The temperature dependence of refractive index of hemoglobin at the wavelengths 930 and 1100 nm,” Proc. SPIE Vol. 9917, 99170U-1-9, 2016.