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IEEE Saratov/Penza AP03/ED15/MTT17/CPMT21/NPS05 Chapter


Submitted by: Prof. Nikita M. Ryskin

Chapter Officers information


Nikita M. Ryskin, D.Sc. Professor, Dept. of Nonlinear Physics, Saratov State University

Mail address: Astrakhanskaya st. 83, Saratov 410012, Russia.

Tel.: 7 8452 514311

Fax: 7 8452 523864



Michael V. Davidovich, D.Sc. Professor, Faculty of Physics, Saratov State University.

Mail address: Astrakhanskaya st. 83, Saratov 410012, Russia.


Olga E. Glukhova, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Faculty of Physics, Saratov State University

Mail address: Astrakhanskaya st. 83, Saratov 410012, Russia.


Artem A. Gubenkov, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Saratov State Technical University.

Mail address: Politekhnicheskaya st., 77, Saratov 410054, Russia.


Chapter Secretary:

Artem A. Balyakin, Ph.D. Associate Prof., Saratov State University.

Mail address: Astrakhanskaya st. 83, Saratov 410012, Russia.


Summary of the Chapter activities

1. Conferences information:

The Chapter participated in technical and financial co-sponsorship of 3 conferences:

1) Third conference for young scientists “Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Physics”, Saratov, June 25–17, 2008. The conference was hosted by Saratov Branch of the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Science (IRE RAS) with technical and financial co-sponsorship of IEEE Saratov–Penza Chapter.

Conference web page

  • The conference was attended by Russian IEEE Section Chair Prof. Yu.V. Gulyaev, Section Vice-Chair Prof. S.A. Nikitov, and Section Treasurer Prof. V.I. Anisimkin. They met with the Saratov/Penza Chapter Officers and discussed current activities and future plans of the Chapter.
  • 4 IEEE members served as members of Program Committee: Prof. B.D. Zaitzev, Prof. N.M. Ushakov, Prof. D.I. Trubetskov, Prof. S.P. Kuznetsov. Prof. N.M. Ryskin (Chapter Chair) and Dr. O.E. Glukhova (Vice-Chair) also served as Session Co-Chairs. IEEE Member Dr. Irene E. Kuznetsova chaired the Local Technical Committee.
  • Conference program included 10 Plenary Lectures presented by invited speakers, 45 talks and 28 posters presented by young scientists and students. The presentations were divided in 4 sessions: “Micro and nanoelectronics, nanomaterials and nanostructures”, “Optics and nanophotonics”, “Acousto and magnetoelectronics”, and “Nonlinear physics”.
  • Over 100 participants attended the conference including guests from Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Voronezh, Penza and Fryazino.
  • The book of abstracts was published and distributed at the conference.
  • Financial support from the Chapter was $ 400.

2) International Conference “Actual Problems of Electronic Devices Engineering” (APEDE 2008), Saratov, Russia, September 24-25, 2008. The conference was organized by Saratov State Technical University (SSTU) with technical and financial co-sponsorship of IEEE Saratov–Penza Chapter.

Conference website

  • Prof. Yuri V. Gulyaev (Russian IEEE Section Chair, Moscow) served as a Conference Chairman. Members of Saratov/Penza Chapter played key roles in organization of the conference. Prof. Vladislav A. Tzarev (SSTU) was a conference Vice-Chairman and Local Organizing Committee Chairman, and Dr. Alexei Miroshnichenko (SSTU) was an Executive Secretary. Chapter Chair, Prof. Nikita M Ryskin was a member of Program Committee and co-chaired the section “Microwave Theory and Techniques”. Prof. A.A. Zakharov (SSTU) served as a Vice-Chair of the Local Organizing Committee and chaired the section “Electron Devices and Instruments Application and Technology”.
  • 5 Plenary Lectures were presented by leading scientists from Russian and foreign scientists.
  • 70 talks presented at 3 sections: 1) Microwave Electronics, including Nanoelectronics; 2) Microwave Theory and Techniques; 3) Power Electronics and Electron Devices and Instruments Application and Technology. Among the topics, there were theory and design of various microwave tubes (TWT, klystrons, BWO, magnetron, inductive-output tubes), solid-state devices, 3D simulation of microwave and optical structures (waveguides, transmission lines, resonators, optical fibers, photonic crystals, etc.), power electronics, signal processing and information transmission systems, microwave technology.
  • Exhibitions of the production of companies producing electronic equipment including “National Instruments”, “Tektronix”, and “Agilent Technologies” was organized.
  • The 500-page volume of conference proceedings was published and distributed among the participants.
  • During the Opening Ceremony, Prof. N.M. Ryskin made a short presentation on aims, structure, and activities of IEEE and Saratov-Penza local chapter for purpose of recruiting new members.
  • Financial support from the Chapter was $ 400.

3) School “Nonlinear Days in Saratov” for young scientists, postgraduate, undergraduate and pre-college students, October 29–31, 2008. Such schools are organized each year since 1998 by Saratov State University (SSU) with technical and financial co-sponsorship of Saratov/Penza IEEE Chapter.

  • Chairman: Prof. Dmitry I. Trubetskov (IEEE member)
  • Organizing Committee members responsible for technical program: Prof. Yurij I. Levin, Prof. Yurij P. Sharaevsky and Prof. Nikita M. Ryskin (IEEE members)
  • 12 educational plenary lectures on different topical problems of science and engineering were given by leading scientists from Saratov, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. Among the lecturers, there were IEEE Members D.I. Trubetskov and S.P. Kuznetsov.
  • 14 talks and 25 posters were presented by undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • The volume of conference full-text papers will be published in early 2009.
  • A pre-college student competition in physics was organized.
  • Financial support from the Chapter was $ 400.

2. Chapter Workshop information:

1) On September 26, 2008 the annual Workshop of Saratov/Penza IEEE Chapter “Electromagnetics of Microwaves, Submillimeter and Optical Waves” was held in Saratov State University. Since 2004 this workshop has been held within the International School on Optics, Laser Physics, and Biophysics “Saratov Fall Meeting” ( organized in cooperation with Saratov SPIE Chapter.

  • 15 IEEE Members and 12 guests attended the workshop.
  • 2008 Chapter activity report was presented by the Chapter Chair, Prof. N.M. Ryskin.
  • 7 talks and 1 Internet report were presented, concerning various topics vacuum and solid-state electron devices, fundamental problems of electrodynamics, modeling of propagation of microwaves in waveguide structures.
  • Chapter expenses were $ 100.

3. Technical meetings information:

In 2008 the chapter held four technical meetings:

1) Date: February 12, 2008

Attendance: Members: 11, Guests: 17

Title of Paper: Lee de Forest and the invention of triode

Speaker: Prof. Dmitry I. Trubetskov (IEEE Member)

2) Date: October 07, 2008

Attendance: Members: 9, Guests: 13

Title: Controlling chaos in a nonlinear ring-loop cavity using additional feedback,

Speaker: Oleg S. Khavroshin.

3) Date: November 11, 2008

Attendance: Members: 8, Guests: 13

Title: Nonlinear dynamics of a virtual cathode in electron beam in external magnetic field

Speaker: Semen A. Kurkin.

4) Date: November 18, 2008

Attendance: Members: 7, Guests: 15

Title of Paper: Synchronization of a delayed feedback microwave oscillator.

Speaker: Prof. Nikita M. Ryskin (IEEE member).

4. Other Chapter activities:

  • A book of collected papers “Modeling in Applied Electrodynamics and Electronics” Issue 8 (Saratov University Press, Saratov, 84 p., ISSN 1816-8221) was published. Such books are published each 1-2 years since 1998. Editor in Chief is Prof. M.V. Davidovich (Chapter Vice-Chair). Associate Editor is Prof. N.M. Ryskin (Chapter Chair). The book contains 10 research papers devoted to various problems of electromagnetic theory, simulation of microwave technique (waveguides, resonators, etc.), and vacuum and solid-state electron devices. Chapter expenses were $ 370.
  • In 2008 the chapter was restructured by joining to the Nuclear and Plasma Science Society. Since October 2008 we are joint Saratov/Penza AP/ED/MTT/CPMT/NPS Chapter.
  • Chapter chair, Prof. N.M. Ryskin participated in 2008 IEEE Electron Devices Society R8 Chapters Meeting, EDS AdCom Meeting and EDS Greece Mini-Colloquium, May 31–June 2, Athens, Greece.
  • Chapter webpage is maintained by Dr. Olga E. Glukhova (Chapter Vice-Chair)

Financial Report


ED-Society support: $ 550

MTT-Society support: $ 700

AP-Society support: $ 650

IEEE Russian Section support $ 200

Total chapter income: $ 2100


Workshop/symposium expenses:

  • Third conference for young scientists “Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics and Nonlinear Physics” $ 400
  • International Conference “Actual Problems of Electronic Devices Engineering” (APEDE 2008) $ 400
  • Annual School “Nonlinear Days in Saratov 2008” $ 400
  • 2008 Chapter workshop $ 100
  • XIV Saratov Winter School-Seminar on Microwave Electronics (February 2009)$ 400

Publishing expenses (the book of collected papers “Modeling in Applied
Electrodynamics and Electronics”) $ 370
Mail expenses$ 30

Total chapter expenditures: $ 2100