IEEE microwave theory & Technique Society
Name: Saratov/Penza joint AP03/ED15/MTT17/CPMT21 Chapter
Submitted by: Dr. Nikita M. Ryskin
Chapter Officers information
In December 2003 new Chapter Officers were elected:
Chair: Dr. Nikita M. Ryskin, Associate Professor, Dept. of Nonlinear Physics, Saratov State University.
Mail address (office): Moskovskaya str. 155, Saratov 410012, Russia.
Tel. (office): 7 8452 514311
Fax: 7 8452 523864
Vice-Chair: Prof. Michael V. Davidovich, Saratov State University.
Mail address (office): Moskovskaya str. 155, Saratov 410012, Russia.
Secretary: Dr. Artem A. Gubenkov, Associate Professor, Saratov State Technical University.
Mail address (home): Radishcheva str., 74-76, Saratov 41003, Russia.
Summary of the Chapter activities
1. Workshops/Conferences information:
The Chapter participated in technical and financial co-sponsorship of 4 conferences/workshops:
1) Conference “Radio Engineering And Telecommunications” devoted to the 15th anniversary of Radio Engineering Department of Saratov State Technical University (SSTU), Saratov, April 12–17, 2004.
- Chairman — Prof. Vladimir A. Kolomeytsev, IEEE member, SSTU
- 46 talks presented by the scientists and engineers from academia and industry
- 4 sections: a) Information receiving, transmission and processing, b) Telecommunication systems, c) Electrodynamics and propagation of electromagnetic waves, d) Radio engineering and electronics. Among the topics of presentations there were design of digital signal processing systems, finite element simulation of complex resonant and waveguide structures, design of vacuum and solid-state microwave electron devices, etc.
- The volume of conference proceedings was published and distributed among the participants.
2) Chapter Workshop “Electromagnetics of Microwaves, Submillimeter and Optic Waves”, Saratov State University, September 21-24, 2004. The Workshop was organized as a part of International School for Young Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophysics “Saratov Fall Meeting” (
- Chairman of the Program Committee — Prof. M.V. Davidovich, Chapter Vice-Chair.
- 26 participants, including 12 IEEE Members
- 6 papers were presented. The main topics were nonstationary electromagnetics, pulses excitation and propagation, photonic crystals, dielectric waveguides and resonators.
3) International Conference on Actual Problems of Electronic Devices Engineering (APEDE 2004). September 15-16, Saratov, Russia.
- Executive secretary –– Dr. A. Miroshnichenko, IEEE Member; among the Program Committee members there were Dr. A. Zakharov, Dr. G. Kazakov, and Prof. M. Davidovich, IEEE Members.
- 6 Plenary Lectures given by leading scientists from Russia and other countries (Prof. V.A. Solntsev, Moscow, Prof. A.D. Grigoiev, St.-Petersburg, Prof. D.I. Trubetskov and Prof. M. Davidovich, Saratov).
- 3 sections: Microwave Electronics, Microwave Theory and Technique, Electron Devices and Instruments Application and Technology. Total number of presented papers –– 85. Among the topics there were various microwave devices (TWT, klystrons, BWO, solid-state circuits, ets.), lectromagnetics of microwave and optical structures (waveguides, transmission lines, resonators, optical fibers, photonic crystals, etc.), signal processing and information transmission systems, technological applications of microwave devices.
4) 7-th International Conference “Chaotic Oscillations and Pattern Formation”, Saratov, Russia, October 2-6, 2004.
- Chairman: Prof. D.I. Trubetskov (IEEE member);
- More then 90 participants from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Germany, Italy.
- 20 Plenary Lectures, 23 talks and 73 poster presentations;
5) School “Nonlinear Days in Saratov” for young scientists, postgraduate, undergraduate and pre-college students, Saratov, Russia, November 2-6, 2004.
- Chairman: Prof. Dmitry I. Trubetskov (IEEE member)
- Organizing Committee members responsible for technical program: Prof. Yurij I. Levin, Prof. Yurij P. Sharaevsky and Dr. Nikita M. Ryskin (IEEE members, Chapter Chair)
- Participants: more than 50 students from several regions of Russia (Saratov, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod) and Latvia;
- 14 lectures devoted to different aspects of nonlinear science and its application in engineering, were delivered by world-known scientists from, Saratov, Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod, Riga (Latvia). The topics of the lectures included “Wavelet analysis”, “Synchronization in distributed systems”, “Quantum Hall Effect”, “Nanostructures and Photonic Crystals”, etc.
- 33 oral and 31 poster papers were presented by students. The volume of Proceedings containing all the student papers will be published in the beginning of 2005.
2. Meeting information:
In 2004 the chapter has held six technical meetings:
1) Date: 01/27/2004, 7 members and 18 guests attended.
Two papers have been presented:
1: Virtual cathode oscillators, Speaker: Prof. Dmitry I. Trubetskov, IEEE Member.
2: Influence of two-dimensional effects on dynamics of a vircator, Speaker: Dr. Alexander E. Hramov.
2) Date: 02/24/2004, 12 members and 16 guests attended.
Two papers have been presented:
1: Nonstationary phenomena in a relativistic backward wave oscillator, Speaker: Dr. Nikita M. Ryskin, IEEE member.
2: MAGIC-2D simulation of self-modulation and chaos in a relativistic BWO, Speaker: Dr. Vladimir N. Titov.
3) Date: 03/16/2004, 9 members and 17 guests attended. One paper has been presented:
Modern methods of modeling of electromagnetic wave propagation in dielectric waveguides, Speaker: Maxim V. Eliseev.
4) Date: 09/21/2004, 8 members and 15 guests attended. One paper has been presented:
Theoretical and experimental study of nonlinear dynamics in delayed feedback microwave oscillator, Speaker: Dr. Nikita M. Ryskin
5) Date: 10/28/2004, 12 members and 17 guests attended. One paper has been presented:
Nonstationary excitation of electrodynamical structures, Speaker: Prof. Michael V. Davidovich
6) Date: 11/11/2004, 10 members and 12 guests attended. One paper has been presented:
QuickWave-3D code for fully electromagnetic modeling of microwave devices, Speaker: Dr. Alexander V. Brovko.
3. Membership status elevation:
- The Chapter encourages its members to elevate their membership status. In 2004 two members were elevated to Senior Member grade (Dr. I.S. Nefedov and Prof. D.A. Usanov).
4. Support of student member participation in IEEE conference
In 2004 IEEE student member A.M. Shigaev was awarded with the IEEE student travel grant ($ 750) for participation in the 31st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Baltimore, MD, June 28 – July 1. A part of his other travel expenses (visa expenses and domestic travel expenses inside Russia, $ 250) was supported by the Chapter. He was the only Russian participant attended the conference.
5. Partial support of student membership
- The chapter covers in half 2004 student membership dues for two student members.
Financial Report
- MTT-Society support: $ 550
- ED-Society support: $ 450
- AP-Society support $ 500
- Total chapter income: $ 1500
Workshop/symposium expenses:
- Conference “Radio Engineering And Telecommunications” $ 140
- International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices
Engineering (APEDE’2004) $ 300
· 2004 Chapter workshop “Electromagnetics of Microwaves,
Submillimeter & Optical Waves” $ 150
· 7th International School on Chaotic Oscillations and Pattern
Formation (Chaos-2004), $ 300
· Annual School “Nonlinear Days in Saratov” $ 300
Support of student member travel to IEEE conference $ 250
Meeting publicity/mailing expenses $ 30
Partial support of two student membership $ 30
Total chapter expenditures: $ 1500