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Associate Professor
Saratov State University, Saratov, 1988 г.
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics (01.01.04), 1993 г.
Research Interests: 
Geometric function theory
Общий стаж: 
37 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
37 лет
Work experience: 
Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Математический анализ
Теория функций комплексного переменного
Теория функций действительного переменного
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
Высшая математика
Main Publications: 
  1. Mathematic analysis. Ch. 2. Textbook. SSU innovative education program. 2009, 1СD. (with M.A. Osiptsev, L.V. Sakhno)
  2. Mathematic analysis. Ch. 1. Textbook. SSU innovative education program. 2008, 1СD. (with M.A. Osiptsev, L.V. Sakhno)
  3. Mathematiс analysis seminars: Study guide. Saratov: SSU Press, 2005 (with Gromova M.A., Osiptsev M.A., Sakhno L.V.)
  4. Mathematic analysis and probability theory. Worksheet. SSPU Press, 1998. (with Lukomski S.F.,Gromova M.A)
  5. Mathematics study guide for SSPI applicants 1998. Saratov: SSPU Press, 1998. (with Gordienko V.G., Pronin P.N.)
  6. Further mathematics elements worksheet. Saratov: SSPU Press, 1998 (with Lukomski S.F.,Gromova M.A)
  7. Mathematics study guide for SSPI applicants 1996. Saratov, 1996.
  8. Education quality and labor market requirements // New educational standards of higher education institutions: traditions and innovations. Saratov: SSU Press, 2012. P. 31-32. (with L.V. Borisova, A.V. Shatalina)
  9. Issues and prospects of modern education. Conference proc. Kirov, 2012. P. 80-84. (with N.A. Kucher, Yu.V. Lysunkina, A.V. Shatalina)
  10. Harmonic measures of slit sides perpendicular to the domain boundary. Saratov, 2012 (with Prokhorov D.V.)
  11. V.V. Golubev in Saratov State University// Izvestia Saratovskogo universiteta. New Series. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. № 3. Vol. 10. 2010. P. 88-92.
  12. Levner’s equation integrability // Izvestia Saratovskogo universiteta. New Series. Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics. № 2. Vol. 10. 2010. P. 19-24. (with D.V. Prokhorov)
  13. Saddle points and schlicht functions multiple coefficients. Collection of works. Mathematics. Mechanics. Vol. 6. Saratov: SSU Press, 2004. P. 57-59. (with D.V. Prokhorov)
  14. Schlicht functions multiple coefficient saddle points // Izvestia Saratovskogo universiteta. New Series. Mathematics. Mechanics.Vol. 5. 2004. (with D.V. Prokhorov)
  15. Organizing students’ knowledge test evaluation using personal computers // Russian education traditions: history and modern times. Collection of works. Saratov: SSPU Press, 2000. (with L.L. Gromova, I.I. Terekhina)
  16. Extremum problems for collection of functions and Roth’s hypothesis // Izvestia RANS. № 3 (2). 1999. (with P.A. Gumeniuk, A.A. Kuznetsov)
  17. University entry examinations. Saratov State Pedagogical Institution. Department of Physics and Mathematics // Mathematics at school. № 2. 1999. (with V.G. Gordienko, P.N. Pronin)
  18. Range of functions and its derivatives at schlicht cover semiplane class // University izvestia. Mathematics. 1993. № 2. (with D.V. Prokhorov)