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Saratov school №13, with advanced study of mathematics
Saratov State University, Saratov
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Electromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in screened and open semiconductor waveguides
Terminal degree in Physics and Mathematics , Studies of nonlinear phenomena in electrodynamic systems with semiconductor structures
Academic title: 
Профессор по кафедре материаловедения, технологии и управления качеством
Research Interests: 
Microwave electrodynamics
Solid-state electronics
Measurements in microwaves
Nonlinear dynamics
Materials science and technology
Общий стаж: 
47 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
47 лет
Work experience: 
Head, Training Center for continuous studies, 1998 to 2003
Почетный работник сферы образования РФ, 2019 г.
Почетный работник высшего профессионального образования, 2009 г.
Other Administrative Positions: 


1979– 1981 - engineer in “Tantal”.

Venig S.B. has been working in SSU since 1981. He held the following positions: graduate student, engineer, laboratory head, senior research fellow, associate professor, professor, head of SSU Education office, dean of the Faculty of Nano- and Biomedical technologies, Director of Development Program of National Research Saratov State University.

Honors and Awards: 
Знак «Изобретатель СССР», 1988 г.

Scientific work:

  • 1979–1981: phased antenna array elements development
  • 1981-1988:  research in microwave electrodynamics, solid-bodу microwave electronics, microwave measurements, dielectric and semi-conductor waveguides.
  • 1988 – 1999:  research in microwave electrodynamics, solid-body microwave electronics, microwave measurements, nonlinear dynamics, materials study and technology. Ministry of Education grants in radiophysics, solid-body electronics and open education
  • Since 2000:. research in microwave electrodynamics, solid-body microwave electronics, microwave measurements, nonlinear dynamics, materials study and technology, quality management and education studies.


Work experience in SSU:

  • 1998, 2001: Chair of the Admissions committee in Physics
  • 1998–2003: Head of the SSU Training Center for continuous studies
  • 2007–2008: Executive Director of Development Program of National Research Saratov State University



Educational work:

Venig S.B. helped to open and get licensed new educational programs “Materials study and technology”, “Forensics”, “Biomedical engineering”, developed courses “Material study”, “Crystallography basics”, “Physics and chemistry of materials and covers”, “Metrology, standardization and certification” and others.



Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Системный подход в менеджменте качества (22.04.01 «Материаловедение и технологии материалов»; 27.04.02 «Управление качеством»)
Основы организации научно-исследовательской работы (22.04.01 «Материаловедение и технологии материалов»; 27.04.02 «Управление качеством»)
Основы кристаллографии и минералогии (22.03.01 «Материаловедение и технологии материалов»)
Актуальные направления в менеджменте качества в инженерной и образовательной деятельности (27.04.02 «Управление качеством»)
Main Publications: 


Venig S.B. has about 50 published works including 13 study guides. He has got 9 patents and copyright certificates on inventions

 1.        Semiconductor waveguides as microwave modulators// Electronic engineering. Series Microwave electronics. 1980. № 9. P. 56-57. (with Usanov D.A., Vagarin A. Yu.)

2.        Using detecting action in microwave generators with Gunn diode for dielectric parameters measurement // Defectoscopy. 1985. №6. P.78-82. (with Usanov D.A., Vagarin A.Yu.)

3.        Higher modes wave influence on consistency measurement error using magnetoresistance// Electronic engineering. Series Quality management, standardization, metrology, testing. 1990. № 1. P. 64-66. (with Usanov D.A., Soloukhin N.G.,. Bragin S.M.)

4.        Mode synchronization in microwave generators with Gunn diode// Letters to Technical Physics journal. 1992.Vol.18, №.12. P.26-27. (with Usanov D.A., Gorbatov S.S., Semenov A.A.)

5.        Reactivity nonlinear component sign change in Gunn diodes working in generation mode // Letters to Technical Physics journal. 1994.Vol.20, №.21. P.21-23. (with Usanov D.A., Gorbatov S.S., Semenov A.A.)

6.        Free vibration generator with magnetic diode// Izvestia vuzov. Radiphysics. 1998. № 4. P.106-107. (with Usanov D.A., Skvortsov S.I.)

7.        Magnetic field inductometer  integrated circuits sensible to magnetism// Instruments and control systems. 1998. № 5. P.34-35. (with Semenov A.A., Galushkov A.I.)

8.        Tunneling diode negative differential resistance under internal microwave signal// Izvestia vuzov. Radiphysics. 1999. Vol. 25, № 2. P.39-42. (with Usanov D.A., Orlov V.E.)

9.        Tunneling diode work under internal super-high-frequency radiation in generation mode// Izvestia vuzov. Radiphysics. 1999 . Vol.42, №10. P.1009-1012. (with Usanov D.A., Orlov V.E.)

10.   Vibrations in semi-infinite waveguide with a diaphragm caused by higher modes wave generation // Letters to Technical Physics journal. 2000. Vol.26, № 18. P.47-49. (with Usanov D.A., Gorbatov S.S., Orlov V.E.)

11.   Powder pretreatment for silver electrode quality improvement in chemical current sources// Electronic industry. 2002. №1. P.70-72. (with Melnikova I.P., Tupikin V.D., Usanov D.A.)

12.   “Schield” for microelectronic devices // Information technologies security. 2002. № 2. P.88-96. (with Semenova A.A., Usanov D.A.)

13.   Metal clusters formation in organic monolayer using Langmuir films// Nanotechnics. 2009. №3(19). P.49-54. (with Stetsyura C.V., Glukhovskoi E.G., Klimova S.A., Maliar I.V.)

14.   Leading classical universities and their role in engineering education development // Engineering education. №8, 2011. P. 88-90

15.   Interested parties requirements analysis for education quality assurance// Science vector of Tolyatti State University. 2011. № 4 (18). P. 500-502.

16.   Effect of the number of iron oxide nanoparticle layers on the magnetic properties of nanocomposite LbL assemblies // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. V.324, I.19. 2012. P.2958-2963. (with I. Dincer, O. Tozkoparan, S.V. German, A.V. Markin, O. Yildirim, G.B. Khomutov, D.A. Gorin, Y. Elerman)

17Gunshot residue analysis using scanning electron microscope// Forensics theory and practice. № 1 (25). 2012. P. 1130-136 (with Bilenko D.I., Zakharevich A.M., Fedorenko V.A., Gvozdikova L.S.)

18.   Preparation and probe analysis of Langmuir–Blodgett films with metal-containing dendritic and cluster structures // Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2012, V.109, №3, P. 571-578. (with S.V. Stetsyura, S. A. Klimova, I. V. Malyar and M. Arslan, I. Dincer and Y. Elerman)

19.   Spherical graphite, a unique carbon morphological structure// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New series. Series Physics. Vol. 12. № 2. 2012. P. 18-20. (with Anikin A.A., Bilenko D.I., Gribov A.N.)

20.   Characteristics measurement technique in colloid and emulsion systems with super-high frequency// Nano- and microsystem techics. 2013, №3. P.22-26. (with Milkin S.S., Starodubov A.V., German S.V., Markin A.V., Gorin D.A., Kalinin Yu.A.)

Grants anf scientific projects: 
  1. ФЦП «Фармация» (2014-2015 г.)
  2. РФФИ (2010 г. совместный с TUBITAK (Турция), 2015 г.
  3. Британского Совета Bridge с университетом Королевы Марии (г. Лондон) (2007 г.)
  4. Научный руководитель грантов: Министерства образования в области радиофизи-ки, электроники, открытого образования (1993, 1995, 1997 гг.)
Post-graduate Students: 
Метвалли Хассан Абдель Фаттах, 2015 г.
Труфакин Эдуард Владимирович, 2002 г.
Скворцов Сергей Игоревич, 2002 г.