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Thesis and academic degrees: 
Terminal degree in Political Sciences (23.00.01), Social and political myth: theory and methodology issues, 2002 г.
Research Interests: 
Political culture
Political psychology
Social and political mythology
Общий стаж: 
36 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
35 лет

In June  2002 N.I. Shestov got his Terminal degree defending the thesis “Social and political myth: theory and methodology issues”. he is the author of three monographic works on theory, history and modern state of Russian social and political mythology. He supervised 5 PhD students.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
История политических учений. Часть 2
Политическая философия
Политическое источниковедение
Политическая символика
Актуальные проблемы современной науки
Современные концепции политической науки
Философские проблемы современной науки
Институциональные субъекты современной российской политики
Main Publications: 

N.I. Shestov is the author of three monographic works on theory, history and modern state of Russian social and political mythology

1. Political myth now and then. Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 2005.

2. “Country’s unity” idea and the center and regions relationships in modern Russia// Power. National Scientific and Political Journal. 2005. №2. P.55-58.

3. Political mythology of work in modern democracy // Proc. of IV All-Russia political science congress “Democracy, security and effective management: new challenges for political science”. Moscow, 2006.

4. “Great political division of labor”: theoretical grounds// Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Vol. 7. Series Sociology. Politology. Saratov: SSU Press, 2007. P. 49-54.

5. “Democracy” and “party” myths: logic of conceptual and functional conflict// Democracy in modern world. Democracy vs party. Moscow, 2007. P. 29-41.

6. Democracy and laboк myth// Political process and election campaigns 2007-2008 in the Russian Federation. Proc. of All-Russia conference. Kazan, 2007. P. 207-211.

7. Rational in political myth of “loyalty”// Vestnik of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: Political Science. 2008. № 2. P. 72-86.

8. Civil society: why is there no signal concept?// Political and legal foundations of Russian business. Proc. of the interantional conference. Saratov: SSU Press, 2008. P. 229-235.

9. Geopolitical components in political and mythological motivation of modern ethnic conflicts// New political cycle: Russian agenda. Proc. of the international conference. Moscow, 2008. P. 283-284.

10. “Democracy” and “party” myths: logic of conceptual and functional conflict// Democracy in modern world. Collection of works. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2009. P. 136-153.

11. Understanding “modernization”// Modernization of Russian society and government and political science response. Saratov, 2009. P. 36-43.

12. Logic of imperial structures’ genesis// Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Vol. 3. Series Sociology. Politology. Saratov: SSU Press, 2009. P. 88-91.

13. Scientific and political and mythological evaluation of Russian politics human resources// Proc. of V All-Russia political science congress “Change of politics and politics of change: Strategies, institutes, actors”.Moscow, 2009. P. 469-470.

14. Civic consciousness and “new social stratification” in modern modernization process// Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Vol. 10. Series Sociology. Politology. Saratov: SSU Press, 2010. P. 68-73.

15. Historical memory and political memory: structure of political and mythological connection// History and historical memory. Collection of works/ Ed. by A.V. Gladyshev. Saratov: SSU Press, 2010. Vol. 1. P. 20-30.

16. Scientific and political and mythological evaluation of Russian politics human resources // Topical issues of modern political psychology/ Ed. by E.B. Shestopalov. Moscow: RIOR, 2010. P. 60-68.

17. Government and business cooperation studying strategies in modern Russia// Government, civil society and business cooperation in Russian regions/ Ed. by G.N. Komkova. Saratov: Saratovski istochnik, 2010. P. 100-113.

18. Government as the main institute of political system// Politology. Textbook. Saratov: Nauka, 2010. P. 57-64.

19.History of political schools. Study guide. Saratov: Nauka, 2010. P. 48-72. (with Dorofeev V.I., Kuznetsov I.I.)

20. Political philosophy: Study guide. Saratov: Saratovski istochnik, 2010.

21. Concept model of government, civil society and business cooperation in Russian regions. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2011.

22. De-mythologization of Russian peasantry as a political and theoretical issue// 1861 reform and modern times: 150th anniversary of abolition of serfhood. Saratov: Saratovski istochnik, 2011. P. 98-102.

23. Civil society and its analogue forms// Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Vol. 11. Series Sociology. Politology. № 2. Saratov: SSU Press, 2011. P. 71-78.

24. “Effectiveness” in the “ruling class” mythological legitimation structure// Concept model of government, civil society and business cooperation in Russian regions/ Ed. by G.N. Komkova. Saratov: Saratovski Istochnik, 2011. P. 4-25.

25. Political elite’s “effectiveness” as a political, mythological and methodological problem// Politology - XXI century. National political science traditions and modernity. Proc. of All-Russia forum. Moscow, 2011.

Additional information: 

Chair of the dissertation committee D212.243.04

Taught courses:

  • Political philosophy

  • Political mythology

  • History of political schools of Antiquity,  Middle Ages and Modern times

  • History of political schools in Russia

  • Political semiotics