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Заведующий кафедрой
Саратовский государственный университет им. Н.Г. Чернышевского, Механико-математический факультет, 1996 г., Прикладная математика / Математик
Идентификаторы в системах наукометрии: 
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, "Эксперименты с линейными автоматами", 1999 г.
Research Interests: 
Graph theory
Big Data
Olympiad informatics
Общий стаж: 
29 лет
Стаж по специальности: 
29 лет
Work experience: 
Лаборатория системного программирования, 1995 to 2000
Assistant, Кафедра математической кибернетики и компьютерных наук, 2000 to 2001
Associate Professor , Кафедра математической кибернетики и компьютерных наук, 2001 to 2004
Associate Professor , Кафедра информатики и программирования, 2004 to 2016
Mathematician, Центр непрерывной подготовки IT-специалистов, с 2009 по н.в.
Заведующий кафедрой, Кафедра информатики и программирования, с 2016 по н.в.
Other Administrative Positions: 

In 1996, M.V. Ogneva graduated from Applied Informatics program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University and got the degree with distinction. After that she started Discrete Mathematics and Informatics program of graduate school and finished her studies in 1999, defended her dissertation and gained the academic title of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

December 1995 - 2000 - worked as a mathematician in SSU Laboratory of System Programming.

2000 - 2001 - worked as an assistant at SSU Department of Mathematical Cybernetics and Computer Sciences, became an associate professor in 2001, and worked as an associate professor of the Department of Informatics and Programming from 2004 to 2016.

Other duties:

2000 - 2001, 2004 - 2007 - Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Computer Sciences and IT

2007 - 2016 - Deputy Head of the Department of Informatics and Programming

2015 - current time - head of the student research seminar "Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application".

2011 - project executor of Training and Retraining of Subject Matter Specialists in IT Develoment and Education Centres of South and North Caucasian Federal Districts under Federal Education Development Program for 2011-2015, Task 2 "Making content and structure of higher education meet labour market demands", Event 4 "Support of the development of vocational education insitutions unions (cluster type) based on higher education institutions".

M.V. Ogneva actively participates in the work of the Centre of IT Specialists' Training: she has created and manages distance informatics  courses  for primary school students, as well as learning games and  informatics course in the Liceum of Mathematics and Informatics. She  also chairs the informatics section  at The World without Limits annual research-to-practice conference and organises and conducts school and university olympiads in informatics.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Информатика и программирование
Теория графов
Машинное обучение и анализ данных
Научно-исследовательская работа
Методика обучения информатике одаренных детей, подростков и молодежи
Main Publications: 
1. Ogneva, M.V., Gretsova, A.P. Introduction to the Subject Area within the Active Development of IT // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 300-302.
2. Ogneva, M.V., Lapsheva, E.E. Logic. Training of Secondary School Students in ICT // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 63-68.
3. Ogneva, M.V., Biryukov, A.S., Ishchuk, M.A. Use of Graph Theory Algorithms in Advanced Programming Tasks // Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 25-30.
4. Ogneva, M.V., Bezrukova, V.P. On the Experience of Conducting a Career Guidance Project in ICT// Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016.  pp. 80-83.
5. Ogneva, M.V., Ionkin, M.S. Basic Intellectual Data Analysis for Secondary School Students// Informatsionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii [Information Technologies in Education]. 2016. pp. 340-344.
6. Ogneva, M.V. Graph Algorithms: from School Olympiads to Industrial IT Projects / Elektronnoye obucheniye v nepreryvnom obrazovanii [Electronic Training in Continuing Education]. 2016. pp. 1200-1207.
7. Ogneva, M.V., Ionkin, M.S. Application of Actor Model in Bank Queues Service // Reports of the Academy of Military Sciences. 2015. № 2 (66). pp. 116-124.
8. Mathematical Logic: A Schoolbook for Students of the FAculty of Computer Sciences and Information technologies/ E.E. Lapsheva, M.V. Ogneva. - Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2015. 214 p. ISBN 978-5-292-04346-1 
9. Ionkin, M.S. , Ogneva, M.V. Netwroks of Finite-State Machines as Models of Concurrent Programming // Materials from the 4th  International Scientific Conference on Control, Processing and Data Transfer Issues UOPI-2015. - Saratov: OOO ID Rait-Ekspo, 2015. Vol. 1. pp. 233-239.
10. Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V. Experience of Educational Game in ICT. Information Technologies in Education: Materials from the 7th All-Russian research-to-Practice Conference. - Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2015. - p. 57-60. ISBN 978-5-9758-1610-8.
11. Makarova, K.I., Drozdova, S.E., Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V. Computer Game of Logical Puzzles for LMS MOODLE. Information Technologies in Education: Materials from the 7th All-Russian research-to-Practice Conference. - Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2015. - pp. 462-467. ISBN 978-5-9758-1610-8.
12. Ionkin, M.S. , Ogneva, M.V.  Methods of Teaching Automata-Based Programming.  Information Technologies in Education: Materials from the 7th All-Russian research-to-Practice Conference. - Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2015. - pp. 225-232. ISBN 978-5-9758-1610-8.
13. Ogneva, M.V., Ionkin, M.S. Implementation of Syntactic Analyzer of Mathematical Expression  Based on Automata-Based Approach // Reports of the Academy of Military Sciences. 2014. pp. 78-84.
14. Kazachkova, A.A., Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G. From the Experience of SSU's Cooperation with Business Structures in Training IT Professionals // Materials from the 12th Open All-Russian Conference on Teaching Information Technologies in the Russian Federation, 2014. - pp. 167-170.
15. Aleksandrova, N.A., Kudrina, E.V., Lapsheva, E.E., Ogneva, M.V., Fyodorova, A.G., Khramova, M.V. Prospects of Introducing Applied Bachelor's Degree Program in Pedagogic Training (Informatics) into N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University // Materials from the 12th Open All-Russian Conference on Teaching Information Technologies in the Russian Federation, 2014. - pp. 130-132.
16. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Training Course in Programming for Net Framework: from Console Applications to Windows 8 Applications // Materials from the 6th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 174-179.
17. Ogneva, M.V. Correspondence School of Informatics: Logic, Algorithmics and Cryptography for School Children // Materials from the 6th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2014. pp. 231-233.
18.  Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V. Graph Theory: from Secondary to Higher Education Institutions // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference on Information Technologies in Education. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2013. pp. 23-26.
19. Ogneva, M.V., Kudrina, E.V. Data Structures and Algorithms: Programming in C++. Part 1. Nauka Publishing HOuse, 2013.
20. Kudrina, E.V., Ogneva, M.V., Portenko, M.S.  Programming in C++: Development of Console Applications [Electronic course]. URL: (accessed date: 22.12.2013)
21. Kudrina, E.V., Mironova, S.V., Ogneva, M.V. Monitoring of Gifted Students' Training in Informatics and Programming //  Materials from the 4th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference on Information Technologies in Education. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2012. pp. 345-351.
22. Kudrina, E.V., Mironova, S.V., Ogneva, M.V.  Student Training at Saratov State University under the Federal Education Development Program of Training and Retraining of SUbject Matter Experts at IT Education and Development Centres // Materials from the International Scientific Conference on Computer Studies and Information Technologies. Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2012. pp. 168-170.
23. Experience of Distance Advance Training Courses for Informatics Teachers. The 18th All-Russian Research and Methods COnference Telematika'2011, June 20-23, 2011. Saint Petersburg. pp. 196-197 (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina, E.E. Lapsheva, A.G. Fyodorova).
24. Ogneva, M.V.,  Kudrina,  E.V.,  Lapsheva, E.E., Fyodorova, A.G.  Development and Use of Informatics and Programming Learning Portal in Educational Process // Academic periodical "Distance and Virtual Education". Moscow, SSU Publishing House. 2011. № 10 (52) October. pp. 39-45.
25. Programming in VISUAL STUDIO.NET: Development of C# Applications. Schoolbook. Saratov: OOO Kubik Publishing House, 2010. 546 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina)
26. Implementation of the IT Specialists' Continuing Training Concept at the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies of Saratov State University. Computer Sciences and Information Technologies: materials from the scientific conference. Saratov: SSU Publishing House, 2010. pp. 92-98 (co-authored by E.E. LApsheva, E.V. Kudrina and A.G. Fyodorova).
27.  Internet Based Training in Informatics and Programming: Availability, Quality and Result. 16th All-Russian Scientific Methodological Conference Telematika'2010, June 21-24, 2010. St. Petersburg. pp. 214-216 (co-authored by E.E. Lapsheva, E.V. Kudrina and A.G. Frolova).
28. The Experience of Organizing Distance Extracurricular Students' Work. Information Technologies for the New School. Conference materials. St. Petersburg: GOU DPO TPKS SPb Regional Center of IT and Education Quality Evaluation, 2010. pp. 269-272 (co-authored by E.E. Lapsheva and E.V. Kudrina).
29. Basic C++ Programming: Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 2. Saratov: OOO Nauka Publishing House, 2009. 100 p. ( co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina).  
30. Development of SSU Educational Website on Training in Algorithmization and Programming // Collection of papers from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference on Information Technologies in General Education (Saratov, November 2-3, 2009). Saratov: GOU DPO SarIPKiPRO Publishing House, 2009. pp. 162-165. (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina and E.E. Lapsheva).
31. Evolution of Data Types in C, C++ and C#. Materials from the International  Research-to-Practice Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of SSU. Saratov, July 2009. (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina).
32. Electronic Textbook "Programming in C++" and Its Application in Teaching Process // Materials from the 4th Saratov Salon of Inventions, Innovations and Investments (Saratov, February 4-5, 2009). Part 2. 46 p. Saratov University Publishing House, ISBN 978-5-292-03877-1. (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina and M.S. Portenko).
33.  Electronic Textbook "Programming in C++" and Its Application in Teaching Process // Materials from the 5th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Educational Environment Today and Tomorrow" (Moscow, October 1, 2008). Editor-in-chief V.I. Soldatkin. Moscow: Rosobrazovaniye, 2008. pp. 215-217. (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina and M.S. Portenko).
34. Organization of Students' Self-Conducted Work with the Help of Moodle Remote Environment // Collection of research papers "Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application". Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2008. p. 36-38. (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina).
35. Basic C++ Programming; Schoolbook in 2 parts. Part 1. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2008. 100 p.  (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina).
36. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2008. 100 p.  (co-authored by  E.V. Kudrina).
37.  From Project Method to Network Community (from the experiemce of SSU's participation in Intel Education for the Future program) // Materials from the 15th Conference of Representatives of RELARN-2008 Regional Science and Education Networks  (Nizhniy Novgorod - Perm, June 1-8, 2008). Moscow: RELARN Association, 2008. pp. 159-161. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
38. Remote Support of Full-Time Training with MOODLE Environment // Fundamentalnye nauki i iobrazovanie [Basic Sciences and Education]: Materials from the 2nd All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference (Biysk, January 30 - February 1, 2008). Biysk: Shukshin BSPU, 2008. pp. 271-273. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
39.  Binary Search Trees: Methodological Support of a Lesson // Materials from the 8th All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference. Part 2. - Chelyabinsk, 2007. pp. 265-273.  (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
40. Modern Technologies and University Education: Project Method // Collection of research papers "Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application". Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2007. pp. 63-67. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
41. Turbo Pascal: Lists, Trees, Graphs: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2006. 88 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
42.  Applicability of Project Methods at Informatics Classes with Students Training in Science // Materials from the All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference "Issues of Education Informatization: Regional Aspect". Cheboksary, April 27-29, 2006. Cheboksary: L.A.Naumov Publishing House, 2006. pp. 150-153. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina).
43. Turbo Pascal:  Data Types and Algorithms: Schoolbook. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2005. 72 p. (co-authored by E.V. Kudrina and Y.N. Kondratova).
44. Minimal Length of Synchronising Experiments for Different  Types of Finite-State Machines Network // Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application: Collection of research papers. Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2003. Iss. 5. pp. 111-116.
45. Programming in C++. Part 2. Stilo, 2004. 96 p. (co-authored by A.I. Batrayeva, A.M. Rodin and E.V. Shurinova).
46. Basic Information Technologies: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Nauchnaya Kniga Publishing House, 2003. Part 1. 100 p. (co-authored by A.G. Fyodorova and E.V. Shurinova).
47. Programming in C++. Part 1. Stilo, 2002. 96 p. (co-authored by A.I. Batrayeva, A.M. Rodin and E.V. Shurinova).
48. Basic Information Technologies. Part 1. Stilo, 2002. 83 p.  (co-authored by A.G. Fyodorova and E.V. Shurinova).
49. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2001. 87 p. (co-authored by E.V. Shurinova).
50. Generalized Installation and Diagnostics Sequences for Finite-State Machines // Avtomatika i vychislitelnaya tekhnika [Automatics and Computing Hardware]. 2001. №3. pp. 3-13. (co-authored by D.V. Speransky).
51.  Input Signal Recovery in a General Linear Automata Network // Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya diskretnykh sistem [Automation of Discrete Systems Design]. Materials from the International Conference, Minsk, 2001. Vol. 1.
52. On the Task of Input Signal Recovery in Linear Automata Network // Radioelectronika i informatika [Radioelectronics and Informatics]. 2001. №2. pp. 89-92.
53. Turbo Pascal: First Steps. Examples and Exercises: Schoolbook. Saratov: Stilo Publishing House, 2000. 68 p. (co-authored by E.V. Shurinova).
54. Synchronization of Bilinear Descrete Systems // Matematika, mekhanika, matematicheskaya kibernetika [Mathematics, Mechanics, Mathematical Cybernetics]: collection of research papers. SSU Publishing House, 1999. pp. 124-127.
55.  Installation and Diagnostics Experiments with  Bilinear Descrete Systems  // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Iss. 3. SSU Publishing House, 1999. pp. 86-94.
56. Generalized Experiments with Linear Dynamic Systems //  Informatsionno-upravlyayushchiye sistemy na zheleznodorozhnom transporte [Information and Control Systems on Railway Transport]. Kharkov, 1997. p. 84. (co-authored by D.V. Speransky).
57.  Existence Conditions of Bilinear Systems Experiments // Avtomatizatsiya proektirovaniya diskretnykh sistem [Automation of Discrete Systems Design]. Materials from the  International Conference. Vol. 1. Minsk, 1999.
58. Installation and Diagnostics Experiments with Bilinear Discrete Systems // problemy teoretichskoy kibernetiki [Issues of Theoretical Cybernetics]. Report summaries from the 12th International Conference. Moscow, 1999. p. 105. 
59. Recognition of Input Signals for  Linear Automata Networks with  Information Loss // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Iss. 2. SSU Publishing House, 1998. pp.57-62.
60. Experiments for Linear Automata Networks with  Information Loss //  Matematika v industrii [Mathematics in Industry]. Materials from the International Conference. Taganrog, 1998. pp. 190-191.
61. Installation Experiments with Linear Sequence Machines Networks // Problemy i perspektivy pretsizionnoy mekhaniki i mashinostroyeniya v upravlenii [Problems and Prospects of Precision Mechanics and Machine Building in Management]. Saratov, 1997. pp. 51-53.
62. Experiments with Linear Sequence Machines Networks // Teoreticheskiye problemy informatiki i ee prilozheniy [Theoretical Issues of Informatics and Its Application]. Iss. 1. SSU Publishing House, 1997. pp. 67-75.