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Specialist diploma, 1961 г.
Филолог. Учитель русского языка и литературы средней школы
Thesis and academic degrees: 
PhD in Philology , Verb Collocations Valency in Russian Vernacular Speech, 1972 г.
Terminal degree in Philology, Semantically Complicated (Polypro-positive) Simple Sentences in Vernacular Speech
Research Interests: 
Семантика предложения и текст
Функциональная стилистика (разговорная речь, публицистика, научная речь)
Язык СМИ
Общий стаж: 
62 года
Стаж по специальности: 
62 года
Other Administrative Positions: 

1989-1991 - Prof. Kormilitsina worked as a Russian language teacher at the Department of Theoiretical and Applied Linguistics, Leipzig University, Germany.

In 1993 M.A. Kormilitsina received the title of Professor and became a Chair of the Department of Russian Language.

Further professional training:

  • Academy of Further Professional Education, Educational Center for Manager Training, St. Petersburg, 2012.
  •  “Studying Modern Educational Technologies as a Risk Prevention Factor in Education”, Austria, Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2014.

M.A. Kormilitsina is a member of dissertation committee.

Her research interests concern Semantics of text and sentence, Pragmalinguistics, Functional stylistics (vernacular speech, publicism, and scientific speech), Journalism language. She studies personality in journalism, active processes, innovations and trends in mass media language, features of different styles and style of certain journalists.

Преподаваемые дисциплины: 
Современный русский язык. Синтаксис
Актуальные проблемы изучения системы русского языка
Коммуникативная компетентность журналиста
Язык СМИ
Массовая коммуникация
Проблемы изучения текста и дискурса
Научный лингвистический семинар
Научно-исследовательская практика
Научно-исследовательская работа
Преддипломная практика
Main Publications: 

Innovative Processes in Modern Media Language// Izvestia Saratovskogo Universiteta. New Series. Philology, Journalism. Vol. 5. Issue ½. P, 77-84.

Ways of Economical Information Circulation in Modern Press// Stylistyka. XIV. Opole. 2005. P. 497-507.

Metatext Constructions and Usual Stylistic Norms of Modern Newspapers// Russian Language Today. Moscow. 2006. Issue 4. P. 275-283.

Good Speech. Foreword. Rhetorical Speech Organization. Examples of Good Speech with Commentary// Good Speech. Moscow. URSS. 2007. P. 15-16, 211-222, 281-286, 303-310.

What Should a Journalist Remember?// To Be Understood. Moscow. 2009. P. 165-185.

Signals of Transformation of Mass Communication into Interpersonal One// Collected Papers of VI International Conference dedicated to Yu.S. Yurchenko and M.V. Cherepanov “Sentence and Word”. Saratov. 2013. P. 231-238.

Functional Stylistics and Its Role in Modern Linguistics// Stylistics as Speech Study. Moscow. FLINTA, Nauka. 2013. P. 83-91. (with Sirotinina, O.B.)

How to Help the Addressee Interpret the Message Correctly?// Problems of Speech Communication. Saratov. SSU Press. 2013. Issue 13. P. 14-26.

Journalist’s Communication Competency as a Factor of Public Culture Improvement// Speech Communication in Mass Media/ Ed. by V.V. Vasilieva, V.I. Konkova. St. Petersburg. 2013.

Functional Stylistics and Its Role in Modern Linguistics// Slavic Stylistics. XXI century. St.Petersburg. 2013. P. 101-111. (with Sirotinina, O.B.)

Educational Technologies in University: Experience of National Research Saratov State University/ Ed. by E.G. Elina, E.I. Balakireva. 6th edition. Saratov. SSU Press. 2012. P. 85-135. (with Milekhina T.A.)

Post-graduate Students: 
Naumova, E.V., 1997 г.
Kuprina, S.V.
Kharlamova, T.V.
Shamienova, G.R.
Dodychenko, E.A.
Byzova, Yu.P.
Khoreshko, O.N.
Leorda, S.V.
Kazachkova, Yu.V.
Yakhina, D.I.
Barsukova, M.I.
Antonova, N.A.
Kozina, T.A.
Drapaliuk, A.S.
Sokolova, E.D.
Bulyina, Yu.V.
Degaltseva, A.V.