
1999 – the University of Salford (Great Britain)
2011 – Southern Methodist University (the USA)
Qualification Improvement:
- Implementation of Two-Level Educational System, 72 h., 2010, Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow
- Methods and Technologies of the Educational Process Management under Implementation of Federal State Learning Standard, 72 h, 2011, Academy of supplementary vocational education “Management Training Center”, Saint Petersburg
- 2008–2012 -- Supervisor of Modern Educational Technologies (for English Teachers of Higher Education Institutions) qualification improvement courses conducted by SSU’s Institute of Qualification Improvement.
Taught Courses:
- Communicative practical course of the foreign language;
- Practical course of the first foreign language;
- Oral and written translation;
- Basic cross-cultural communication;
- Methods of teaching English at higher education institutions;
- Innovative methods of a foreign language teaching;
- Issues of Political Linguistics (special seminar).
Kharlamova, T.V. Major Transformation Tendencies in Modern Russia from the Perspective of Foreign Mass Media // Vlast v obshchestve riska: normy, tsennosti, instituty [Authorities in a Risk Society: Norms, Values and Institutes] / Edited by professor M.O. Orlova. – Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2013. – pp. 353 – 359.
Kharlamova, T.V. Grammar Training: Traditions and Innovations // Inostrannye yazyki v kontekste mezhkulturnoy kommunikatsii [Foreign Languages in the Context of Cross-Cultural Communication]. - Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2013. – pp. 279 – 281
Kharlamova, T.V. Ambiguity in Contemporary Political Discourse // Problemy rechevoy kommunikatsii [Problems of Speech communication]: Interuniversity collection of research papers. – Saratov, 2013. – pp. 108 – 116.
Kharlamova, T.V. The Concept of Mental Programs as the Model of Categorization of Russian Political Discourse // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya serya. Filologiya. Zhurnalistika. [News Bulletin of Saratov University. New Series. Philology. Journalism]. Vol. 12., Iss. 1. 2012. pp. 68 – 73.
Dubrovskaya T., Kharlamova T. Representations of Ideological and Cultural Values in Modern Russian Political Discourse // Philologia Hispalensis VOL. XXVI AÑO, 2012, pp. 107-127.
Kharlamova, T.V. Collectivism vs Individualism in Russian and American Political Discourse // Germanskaya filologiya [German Philology]: Interuniversity collection of research papers. – Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2011. – Iss. 5. – pp. 3 – 6.
Kharlamova, T.V., Dubrovskaya T. V. Interaction of Ideological and Cultural Components in Modern Russian Presidential Discourse // Lichnost – Yazyk – Kultura [Identity – Language – Culture]: Materials from IV All-Russian Research-to-Practice Conference of November 23-24, 2011. – Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2011. pp. 124 – 134.
Kharlamova, T.V. Representation of Political and Cultural Values with Regard to the Type of Culture // ФIΛIА ΛОГОY: Collection of research papers dedicated to professor Valery Vladimirovich Prozorov’s 70th Birthday Anniversary / Compiler and executive editor I.U. Ivanyushina. – Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2010. pp. 281 – 287.
Kharlamova, T.V. Dialogue between Authorities and Society in Russia and the USA (a Case Study of Political Parties’ Programs) // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta . [News Bulletin of Saratov University]. Vol. 9. Series Sociology. Politology. 2009. – pp. 53 – 57.
Contemporary Political Discourse and Mass Media: Authorities and Society: Schoolbook / Ed. by T.V. Kharlamova – Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2009, - 168 p.
Kharlamova, T.V. Reflection of the Political Thinking Transformation in Key Words of the Current Moment in Russia and the USA // LICHNOST – YAZYK – KULTURA [IDENTITY – LANGUAGE – CULTURE]: Materials from the All-Russian Research-to- Practice Conference of November 28-29, 2007. – Saratov: Nauka Publishing House, 2008 – pp. 176 - 184.
Kharlamova T.V. Key Words of the Current Moment in Russian and American Political Discourse // Sovremennye napravleniya v lingvistike i prepodavanii yazykov [Modern Tendencies in Linguistics and Languages Teaching]: Materials from II Research-to- Practice Conference. – Moscow: International Independent University of Ecology and Political Science (Penza branch), 2008. – pp. 97 – 102.
Kharlamova, T.V. Peculiarities of the Reality Perception in American and Russian Language Cultures // Kommunikativnye i sotsiokulturnye problemy romano-germanskogo yazykoznaniya [Communicative and Socicultural Problems of Romance and Germanic Linguistics]: Materials from the Interuniversity Research Conference of November 29, 2006. – Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga, 2007. – pp. 42 – 54.
Kharlamova T.V. Cultural Literacy and Language Awareness in a Virtual Classroom: Russian-American Culture Project // Proceedings of the 13th NATE-Russia Annual Conference. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publishing House, 2007. – pp. 125 – 126.
Kharlamova, T.V. Political Correctness in Political Discourse // Romano-germanskaya filologiya [Romance and Germanic Philology]: Interuniversity collection of research papers. – Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2005. – Iss. 5. – pp. 212 – 216.
Kharlamova, T.V. Causes of Text Irregularities in Politicians’ Speech // Problemy rechevoy kommunikatsii [Problems of Speech Communication]. Interuniversity collection of research papers. Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2004. – Iss. 4. Vlast i rech [Authorities and Speech]. – pp. 42 – 47.
Kharlamova, T.V. Culture and Speech Aspect of Text Production in Learning English Language // Didakticheskie, metodicheskie i lingvisticheskie problemy professionalno orientirovannogo obucheniya inostrannym yazykam v vuze [Didactic, Methodical and Linguistic Problems of Professionally Oriented Foreign Language Learning]: Collection of research papers based on the materials of the international conference (March 28, 2003). Saratov State Socioeconomic University. – Saratov, 2003. – pp. 112 – 113.
Kharlamova, T.V. Text-Forming Function of Metatext in Oral Speech. A Case Study of Russian and English Languages // Filologicheskie etudy [Philological Studies]. Iss. 4. – Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2001. – pp. 246 -248.
Kharlamova, T.V. Function of Type and Time Forms in Text Production. A Case Study of Russian and English Oral Speech // Romano-germanskaya filologiya [Romance and Germanic Philology]: Interuniversity collection of research papers. – Saratov: Saratov University Publishing House, 2000. – Iss. 1. – pp. 148 – 154.
- Young Associate Professors Grant of the President of the Russian Federation with the research of Cultural and Speaking Aspect of Text-Forming (a Case-Study of TV and radio shows and Internet texts in English and Russian Languages) (2003-2004)
- Winner of Young Teachers Contest conducted by V. Potanin's Charitable Foundation (2004)
- Supervisor of Reflection of the Transformation of Contemporary Political Thinking and Government Institutions in Political Discourse (a Case Study of Mass Media Texts) issue as a part of a group grant of Saratov Transregional Institute of Social Sciences within Transformations and Prospects of Government Institutions in Comparative Dynamics project carried out under Development of the Academic Potential of Higher Education target program (2006 - 2008) (01.05.2007 – 31.12.2007 )
- Supervisor of Transparency of Government Institutions in Simulation of "Government - People" Communication in Contemporary Russia issue as a part of a group grant of Saratov Transregional Institute of Social Sciences within Transformations and Prospects of Government Institutions in Comparative Dynamics project carried out under Development of the Academic Potential of Higher Education target program (2006 - 2008) ((01.03.2008 – 31.12.2008)
- Member of the grant project, Ruling Class in Contemporary Russia: Traditions, Myths and Government Doctrines, carried out under Development of the Academic Potential of Higher Education target program (2009-2010)
1999 – the University of Salford (Great Britain)
2011 – Southern Methodist University (the USA)
Qualification Improvement:
2008–2012 -- Supervisor of Modern Educational Technologies (for English Teachers of Higher Education Institutions) qualification improvement courses conducted by SSU’s Institute of Qualification Improvement.