
Vadim Semenovich Anischenko was born in Saratov on 21.10.1943. in 1961 he entered Saratov State University and his life got tightly tangled with it.
He made his academic choice in the forth year of university after meeting his scientific advisor A.I. Shtyrov. He wrote and published his first scientific paper in 1966; it later became the foundation of his graduation paper. While studying, Anishenko started working at the SSU Research Institute of Mechanics and Physics. Here he got extensive knowledge of oscillation theory and chain theory, random processes theory and statistical radiophysics. In 1968, he started graduate studies in SSU and finished them in 1970 defending a thesis “Noise Characteristics of Electron Streams of O-type Microvawe Amplifier”.
In September 1970, Anischenko started work at the Department of Radiophysics. He read general courses on information theory, statistical radiophysics and some special courses; he also worked as a deputy dean of the faculty.
1980 was a turning point. Prof. Anischenko got interested in oscillation physics; he read a series of pioneer works on dynamic chaos theory. He participated in the All-Union Workshop on stochastic auto-oscillations in Gorkiy where he presented a report on dynamic chaos. There at the workshop he met Prof. Yu.L. Klimontovich and in fall of 1980 he went for a 4-month training to MSU.
Upon returning from Moscow, V.S. Anischenko decided to dedicate his life to studying determined chaos.
In 1985-86, V.S. Anischenko published a monographic work on dynamic chaos “Stochastic Oscillations in Radio Physical Systems” – a first book in Russia and one of a few in the world. The book was based on his doctoral thesis “Development Mechanisms and Characteristics of Chaotic Oscillations in Radio Physical Systems with Finite Degree of Freedom”.
The book was a milestone in this scientific area and in 1987 and 1989 Teubner-Texte zur Phyzik publishing house published its English translation.Anischenko’s work became well known in Europe and the USA.
After 25 years, we could certainly say that a new scientific discipline of nonlinear dynamics was founded at the SSU Faculty of Physics. Prof. V.S. Anischenko became a leading researcher in the area.
That fact found proof in invitation to Germany to give lectures on determined chaos in Humboldt University in 1987.
In 1988, V.S. Anischenko became a Chair of the Department of Radiophysics. In spring 1989, he got an academic title of a Professor at the Department. He created a lab of nonlinear dynamics where his followers and a new generation of students and graduate student continue to work. In spring 1992, V.S. Anischenko visited the United States to participate in a conference on stochastic resonance in San Diego and to work in the University of California, Berkeley for two months. Saratov University School of nonlinear dynamics got acknowledge in the USA and Europe.
With support of foreign colleagues - Prof. L. Chua (University of California, Berkeley) and Prof. J. Kurths (Potsdam, Germany) – the Department received modern equipment and participated in grant competitions. V.S. Anischenko’s group won several grants from Soros Foundation to performe a research, its head became a Soros Professor (one of the first in Saratov) in 1994. in 1994-2000, V.S. Anischenko was a winner of academic scholarship of the RF President and Government.
In January 1995, V.S. Anischenko received a title of an Honorary Science Worker; he became a corresponding member of the International Academy if Informatization (1995) and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1997). By that time the Nonlinear Dynaimcs Lab workers had published over 100 works with high citation index. Anischenko’s scientific group became well known in Russia and abroad. International conference ICND-96 proved that. The conference gathered about 150 scientists from far abroad and CIS and Baltic states. His students had long business trips to the leading scientific centers and worked actively on nonlinear dynamics issues. Regular work was conducted with scientists from Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Potsdam (Germany), University of California, Berkeley, universities of Saint Luis, San Diego and Boston (USA), universities of the UK, Denmark, Switzerland, Poland and Korea.
In 1990, publishing house Nauka published V.S. Anischenko’s book “Complex Oscillations in Simple Systems”. In 1995, “Dynamical Chaos – Models and Experiments” saw the light. In 1996-97, Appliued Nonlinear Dynamics journal published several special issues edited by Prof. Anischenko and dedicated to topical problems of nonlinear dynamics. In 1999, he published another book “Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems” together with T.E. Vadivasova and V.V.Astakhov. achievements of the scientific group got acknowledgement in Saratov University. SSU Academic Council changed the name of the department to the Department of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics (1997).
After several years the Department was acknowledge as a leading scientific and teaching group of the country (2003) and a leading scientific school on Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics (2006).
For achievements in nonlinear dynamics Anischenko received an Alexander von Humboldt International Foundation Award, one of the most prestigious awards in the world, in October 1999. in 2002, Springer publishing house published “Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems” (with V.S. Anishchenko, V.V. Astakhov, A.B. Neiman, T.E. Vadivasova, L. Schimansky-Geier). V.S. Anischenko was voted a member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
International Research Institution of Nonlinear Dynamics was founded in 2008; Prof, V.S. Anischenko became its director.
V.S. Anischenko supervises the following areas of research: analysis of bifurcation mechanisms of creation, structure and characteristics of chaotic auto-oscillations in determined nonlinear dynamic systems; nonlinear dynamics of stochastic systems, nonlinear dynamics methods application to signal diagnostics in biology and medicine.
V.S. Anischenko combines scientific work and teaching and public work in SSU. He has developed and reads courses: Nonlinear Oscillation Theory, Statistical Radiophysics, Theory of Stability and Bifurcations of Dynamic Systems, Foundations of Nonlinear Dynamics, Introductions into Specialization. In 2013 V.S. Anischenko was appointed a Rector’s advisor on science.
Prof. Anischenko has published over 450 works including more than 20 monographic works and textbooks. Full list of publications is available at
1. Complex Oscillations in Simple Systems. Moscow. Nauka.1990.
2. Dynamical Chaos – Models and Experiments. World Scientific. 1995.
3. Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems. Berlin, Springer. 2002. (2-nd edition – 2007) (with V.V. Astakhov, A.B. Neiman и et al.)
4. Lectures on Nonlinear Dynamics. Moscow. Izhevsk. Regular and Chaotic Dynamics. 2011. (with T.E. Vadivasova)
5. Stochastic Resonance as a Noise-induced Effect of Degree of Order Raising// Achievements of Physical Science. 1999. Vol. 169. № 1. P, 7-38. (with A.B. Neiman, F. Moss, L. Shimanski-Gaier)
6. Statistical Characteristics of Dynamic Chaos// Achievements of Physical Science. 2005. Vol. 175. № 2. P, 163-179. (with T.E. Vadivasov, G.A. Okrovertskhov, G.I. Strelkova)
7. Poincare Return Theory and Its Application to Non-linear Physics Problem Solving// Achievements of Physical Science. 2013. Vol. 183. № 10. P, 1009-1028. (with S.V. Astakhov)