The admissions are on their peak at Saratov State University. The faculties and the institutes invite school graduates and their parents to their classrooms. Guests of the university will learn about the features of 2023 admissions, get information about the courses implemented at the university, as well as about the career prospects of university graduates and extracurricular activities of students.
The next open days will be held at SSU according to the following schedule:
On July 19, at 11 a.m., the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies is waiting for visitors. The meeting will take place in Room 310, SSU Bldg. 12 (10a Volskaya Street).
On July 20, the Faculty of Geography and the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical, and Special Needs Education will open their doors for future students. The geographers' event will begin at 11 a.m. in Room 30, SSU Bldg, 4 (59 University Street). The meeting at the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical, and Special Needs Education will take place at 12 p.m. in Room 323, Bldg, 12 (10a Volskaya Street).
The Institute of Physics will hold the Open Day on July 21. Guests will be expected in Room 315, Bldg. 8 (112A Bolshaya Kazachya Street) at 12 p.m. In addition, you can join the meeting online. The link to connect to the live broadcast is
On the same day, July 21, a meeting with enrolees will be held at the Faculty of Economics. Everyone who wants to get acquainted with this educational unit is expected in the assembly hall, Bldg. 12 (10a Volskaya Street) at 2 p.m.
On July 22, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Language Teaching Methods will be waiting for enrollees in Room 302, Bldg. 16 (3 Zauloshnov Street) at 12 p.m.
On July 24, at 12 p.m., the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics invites future students to Room 401, Bldg. 9 (112 Bolshaya Kazachya Street).
The Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technologies on the same day will hold a meeting in Room 310, Bldg. 12 (10a Volskaya Street). It will start at 2 p.m.
The staff of the Central Admissions Office is ready to answer all questions that enrollees and their parents are concerned about. It is located in Room 100B, Bldg. 9. You can contact the CAO by phone: 8(8452)51-92-26, 8(8452)26-03-04.
The opening hours of the admissions offices of educational departments: from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays, on Saturday – from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
The enrollee forms are presented on the SSU official website in the Admissions section.
Read about the admission rules in the SSU Admissions and the 2023 Admissions sections of our website. The key events at the university for future students and current students are presented in the Come to SSU communities in Telegram and VKontakte.
Due to the enrollee issue of the Saratov University newspaper and the Memo for Enrollees the enrollees will make the right choice in favour of a particular field of study. These materials are dedicated to university life and give clear instructions and answers to standard questions.