On 14 November SSU hosted the All-Russia Research Seminar School titled the CADe Methods in Biology and Medicine-2019. The Plenary Session took place in the SSU Big Physics Hall. The conference commemorated Professor Dmitrii A. Usanov, who had inspired the forum for many years.
The event moderators noted the majority of modern studies were used in practice, and the reports delivered at the school proved it.
In total, 144 researchers participated in the conference with 80 of them being young scientists under 35. All of them presented the newest developments in CADe complexes, systems, and devices and the research results on mathematics modelling in biology and medicine. This interdisciplinary study was discussed by scientists from Russia, Belarus, and Germany, who represented 16 cities, 22 universities, 15 institutes, and other scientific and production centres.
Chair of Department of Optics and Biophotonics, Professor Valerii V. Tuchin delivered the report titled the Optical Clearing of Biological Tissues: Issues of Multi Model Medical Diagnosis in UV-THz Band. As usual, audience listened to his report very attentively as he spoke about the methods to make biological tissues more lucid in order to form a diagnosis. Using modern technologies doctors can have a medical checkup by clearing only 1-2 mm of tissues, and our physicists suggest their own optical clearing methods able to inspect the tissues deeper and detect tumour at its early stages.
Dean of the Faculty of Physics, Chair of the SSU Department of Computer Physics and Metamaterials Professor Valerii M. Anikin reminded about the pioneer contribution of our townsman, a physicist Vladimir I. Karmilov into magnetic therapy in Russia. In the USSR it was introduced in 1938 when he started using the equipment he designed himself in hospitals. And they were useful during the Great Patriotic War. Vladimir Karmilov was not only a talented constructor and inventor but the scientist who conducted complex physiological and clinical research, and, as the result, magnetic therapy became considered as one of physical therapy methods.
Recently, there has been published a history and biography about Vladimir Karmilov written by Valerii M. Anikin and Associate Professor from Perm State Medical University Vyacheslav V. Shevchuk. This year we celebrate Vladimir Karmilov’s 130th anniversary, and the PSMU Department of Medical and Biological Physics will be named after the physicist (earlier it was the Department of Physics, and the researcher chaired it for many years).
Another report was presented by Chair of the SSU Department of Medical Physics, Professor Anatolii V. Skripal. It was titled the How to Diagnose Instrumentally Endothelial Dysfunction. It is a well-known fact that cardiovascular diseases are difficult to detect on early stages, and the main cardiovascular diseases are connected with endothelial dysfunction. Therefore, the reporter told the audience about its analysis, the discoveries in that field and the sphere potential.
The next speech was also devoted to that topic. Associate Professor of the SSU Department of Dynamic Modelling and Biomedical Engineering Anatolii S. Karavayev presented his report titled the Pilot Study and Mathematics Modelling of Blood Flow Boundaries. The topic is up-to-date because blood diseases are on top of death statistics lists. Consequently, scientists from different fields must conduct mutual research. Saratov physicists developed a mathematics model of cardiovascular system using the results of the pilot research done together with SSMU Cardiology Research Institute.
Then the conference was divided into the following sections – the Methods of Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, the Materials for Biology and Medicine, and the Signal and Image Processing, Research Software.
Besides, there was organised the poster session, which consisted of presentations of scientists all over Russia. It becomes popular as researchers have an opportunity to share their study results with other conference members in a short period of time.
The Plenary Session will also take place on 15 November in the conference hall of the Education and Research Institute of Nanostructures and Biosystems, SSU Bldg. IX. There the forum members will be able to attend the panel discussion titled Diagnostics Aspects of Endothelial Dysfunction. Moreover, they participated the sections will be dedicated to such topics as the Modelling of Biophysical Phenomena, the Signal and Image Processing, Research Software, the Methods of Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, and the Materials for Biology and Medicine.