SSU website is number 24 among Russian universities at international «4ICU» ranking
Saratov State University is number 24 among Russian universities at «Four International Colleges & Universities» ranking.
The ranking includes 11307 universities and colleges from all over the world listed according to their websites’ popularity. The research aims at helping foreign students and professors to choose an educational institution.
According to the ranking, SSU website has left behind websites of Kazan Federal University, Perm National Research University, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, and Altay State University. There are 386 Russian universities in the ranking.
«Four International Colleges & Universities» (4ICU) is an international educational portal that has information about 11307 universities and colleges in 200 countries. Starting May, 2005, it publishes university website popularity ranking every January and July.
According to «4ICU» ranking developers, selection criteria are website popularity on the world educational web space. The portal provides applicants, students and teachers with an idea about an educational institution’s popularity abroad.
Among Russian universities, leaders are Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and Higher School of Economics.
Full version is available at Four International Colleges & Universities