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State Duma Deputy O.Yu. Batalina congratulated SSU students on their graduation

3 July, 2015 - 12:04

State Duma Deputy O.Yu. Batalina congratulated SSU students on their graduation


Chair of the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veteran Issues O.Yu. Batalina congratulated Saratov State University students on graduation. In her address, the deputy said that Russia is the country of opportunities that is open to young active people. Our country’s future depends on today’s university graduates. “I hope you will always do what you love most and stay true to the profession you choose. May luck and happiness always be with you!” said O.Yu. Batalina.

The Deputy also thanked teachers for maintaining the university’s good reputation, for thir loyalty to the profession and constant creative search that allow Saratov State University stay one of the leading universities in the region.