Museum of labour glory opened on May 9 at the Victory Park on Sokolovaya mountain. The complex is unique for Russia. The museum was built with the help of Saratov region workers and dwellers and has become a truly people’s enterprise.
The opening ceremony was attended by Saratov region governor V.V. Radaev, regional administration members, the Great Patriotic War veterans and guests of the Victory day celebrations. Saratov State University Rector A.N. Chumachenko and SSU President L.Yu. Kossovich were at the ceremony, too.
In his opening word, V.V. Radaev said the museum is an object Saratov people could be proud of, where they could bring their children. It hosts a collection of things and objects that tell the story of Saratov region working life since the end of the XIX century. The exposition has two parts: exhibits from different time periods, including the Great Patriotic War years, are on the ground floor; the first floor houses modern day objects.
Saratov State University is also present at the Museum. On the ground floor, there is a stand about SSU history; university innovations are on the first floor.
V.V. Radaev studies Saratov State University exhibition carefully. He saw SSU innovations including adhesive plaster with a nanomembrane, waterproof polymer nanofiber material, polymer nanofiber filtering material for ultrathin water purification, phosphogypsum composite material for construction works, radio frequency id tags, alloy samples, etc.
The presentation was given by SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko, SSU President L.Yu. Kossovich, Head of Technopark Innovation Center S.A. Petkov, deputy head S.A. Korotkovski, Head of Tailored Materials Lab Yu.E. Salkovski, laboratory staff.
Yu.E. Salkovski performed two experiments presented to Russian President V.V. Putin in January, 2015 at the “Tochmash” testing facility. The first experiment showed the unique qualities of a membrane that is waterproof but permeable to vapor. The second experiment demonstrated the advantages of polymer nanofiber filtering material created in tailored materials Lab. Filters created in SSU completely clean the air of different impurities.
V.V. Radaev thanked Saratov State University for its contribution to science and innovation development of our region and our country.