On April 1, Saratov Region Minster for Education M.A. Epifanova met with teacher education programs students and graduates at SSU. The meeting was attended by Vice-rector for educational work E.G. Elina, Vice-rector for educational and organizational work I.G. Malinski, Vice-rector for secondary professional education and social work O.E. Nesterova, faculty deans and institute directors. Film about regional education system work results in 2014 was shown in the beginning of the meeting.
I.G. Malinski welcomed the guests and participants, He mentioned the III Week of Teachers’ Education and pedagogical excellence competition “Entering the Profession” that happened at SSU last week. “We decided to organize this meeting to give our students and graduates a possibility to ask all the questions concerning their teaching work”, said I.G. Malinski.
Then M.A. Epifanova took the word. In her report she presented last year regional education system work results. In 2014, Saratov Region took part in three federal programs: on pre-school and inclusive education and professional education program for applied qualifications center development. M.A. Epifanova gave a detailed report about each of the programs. Concerning the pre-school education system, the situation with day-care facilities waiting lists has improved. The number of children waiting has dropped five times compared to 2012 and now amounts to over 4000. Over 20 children day-care facility have been built during last two years that could take about 3000 children.
General education was the second issue for discussion. The Minister said the emphases are placed on continuing general education modernization: introducing new educational standards, providing schools with necessary equipment, training and education licensing.
Then the Minister moved to the question of teaching resources. “Three years ago the average age of a teacher was 47 years old, today it is about 50. Although the educational priorities are the same, there is an acute lack of young people in education”, emphasized M.A. Epifanova. There are several reasons for this: employers do not want to take on people without work experience; also university graduates do not want to work in educational institutes.
Next the Minister talked about social benefits for young teaches. The benefits include one-time allowance of 50,000 rubles for young specialists wishing to work in rural areas, annual bonus during first three years of work, full reimbursement of utility payments, and grant programs for young specialists.
Finally the Minister talked about inclusive education system. According to M.A. Epifanova, last year Saratov Region took part in the “Accessibility” program and won the grant that allowed founding inclusive education centers in every part of the region.
The meeting ended with a discussion of different aspects of young teachers’ work. Future teachers were interested in housing opportunities in rural areas, innovative approaches in children education, re-training programs for teachers and other questions.