SSU signed an agreement with the Center for rehabilitation of disabled people
The ceremony was attended by SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko, Deputy Minister of Social Development E.I. Bakaev, Director of the Center “Parus Nadezhdy” E.S. Piatkina, Vice-rector for secondary professional education and social work O.E. Nesterova, Vice-rector for Educational Work E.G. Elina, heads of University structural units, faculty staff and students.
The meeting started with a video presentation dedicated to the 105th SSU Anniversary. The film shows the continuity if SSU’s traditions and priorities, including protecting interests of its students and professors. “We are proud of our age and our achievements”, said Vice-rector for secondary professional education and social work O.E. Nesterova.
SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko opened the ceremony saying that 90 persons with disabilities study at the University. “These people are very important for us. Today we have an opportunity to work individually with each of the students: we have created the Center for inclusive support and social rehabilitation, prophylactic sanatorium is working. But that is not enough”, said the Rector. The agreement with the Center for rehabilitation and learning of people with disabilities continues the University’s work in that direction.
A.N. Chumachenko shared his impressions of his visit to the Center “Parus Nadezhdy”. According to him, this agreement is especially important for students with disabilities who need constant support. Also the Center could become a platform for the Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education students teaching practice and special needs education specialists research.
Deputy Minister of Social Development E.I. Bakaev said the signing of this agreement is a milestone event. “The Center’s work is aimed at rehabilitation and improvement of living standards for people of working age. The Center specialists help people to believe they have some opportunities in life. Every year the Center helps 600 people. Considering SSU’s experience in this field, I believe the cooperation will be successful”, said E.I. Bakaev.
In her answering speech Director of the Center for rehabilitation and learning of people with disabilities E.S. Piatkina thanked the Ministry and Saratov State University. “Our Center is unique, our staff is very talented. We are funded by the Federal and regional budgets; and this allows to help rehabilitating the most important group of people – people of the working age. The agreement would lead to the foundation of methodological platform at the Center. We are happy to use Saratov State University experience and academic basis that will help our cooperation”.
The Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education plays a special role in this cooperation work. Associate professor of the Department of Special Needs Psychology M.D. Konovalova told about the faculty’s working plans. She believes a student with disabilities should be included in every aspect of the education process. “Students should not feel any differences between them”, she said. M.D. Konovalova then explained that urban environment accessibility and information availability are very important. She hopes for cooperation in organizing teachers’ trainings and volunteer units work at the Center. She also invited the Center’s staff to participate in the International conference at SSU in October, 2015.
The signing of the bilateral cooperation agreement between Saratov State University and the Center for rehabilitation and learning of people with disabilities “Parus Nadezhdy” was the high point of the meeting.
In his closing speech, SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko thanked Saratov Region Minister of social development L.V. Koliazina for longstanding productive cooperation.
Closing the ceremony E.I. Bakaev invited five SSU students to complete a rehabilitation course at “Parus Nadezhdy”. The Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education Master’s student Elena Gubanova thanked the alma mater and the Center for their work for the good.