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Russian President V.V. Putin saw SSU innovations

22 January, 2015 - 07:27

Russian President V.V. Putin saw SSU innovations

Кирилл Розанов
Архив ФПИ

On January 20th, 2015, Russian President V.V. Putin conducted a meeting of the Military Industrial Commission that discussed the work of the Foundation for Prospective Studies. President noticed that “last year the Foundation organized work on the number of important projects dealing with technologies and military equipment unrivalled in the world”. They have started building the key elements of advanced weapon systems and innovative manufacturing technologies.

Before the meeting the President visited the Central Scientifiс and Research Institute of Precision Engineering testing facility and examined advanced models of military equipment and equipage. There he saw innovation materials samples that enhance military men effectiveness at the battle field and protect them.

Among the unique innovations V.V. Putin saw military equipage ultralight materials with enhanced characteristics developed by “Tailored Material” lab. The lab is a joined project of Saratov State University, Foundation for Prospective Studies and the Ministry of Education and Science.

The project works mainly on “Developing a complex of protective and camouflage materials of military equipage” – camouflaging, protecting and ensuring vitality. These materials have significant advantages when compared to the existing equivalents.

“Tailored Material” lab researches the ways of creating a new generation of transpiring waterproof non-woven diaphragm type fabric, filter materials for respiratory system protectors, and camouflaging materials.

Products developed in SSU could be used not only by the army. Diaphragm type materials attract national security, defense and law enforcement agencies, sport and extreme weather outfit manufacturers. National industry does not produce anything similar; prototype materials created by the lab are superior to their foreign equivalents. Saratov State University is starting their pilot production soon to ensure import substitution.

Commening on his visit to “Tochmash” V.V. Putin evaluated the presented projects: “My colleagues are on the right track and will achieve their goals. The innovations are all very interesting and promising. Sometimes it seems as if you’re watching a sci-fi movie”.

According to A.I. Grigoriev, Foundation for Prospective Studies CEO, during two year “the Foundation has reviewed and examined over 1500 project, 49 of which are now in full action”. SSU “Tailored Material” lab is one of 26 projects that are making prototype models with required characteristics.

On November 21, 2014, Saratov State University opened the “Tailored Material” lab in collaboration with the Foundation for Prospective Studies as a structural unit of SSU Education and Research Institute of Nanostructures and Biosystems; it is based at Innovation and Technology Center.

At the opening ceremony, Saratov Region Governor V.V. Radaev said foundation of a new SSU lab together with the FPS was possible because of the university’s high potential and engineering capabilities. “This platform is unique because it’s going to be a test model for Saratov scientists’ innovations commercialization. Innovation materials are also unique; they will have strategic importance for Russian military and Special Forces. This project will become Saratov region innovation brand”, summed up V.V. Radaev.

Taking into account the importance of import substitution, Saratov State University work on this joined project is of national importance. The University is proud that its product was presented to the country’s leader as a cutting-edge project for defense undustry.

We are happy to congratulate the laboratory staff and their scientific advisor, the SSU President L.Yu. Kossovich with the great success and achievements recognized by the state leader.