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Governor V.V. Radaev met with young journalists in SSU

22 October, 2014 - 12:30

Governor V.V. Radaev met with young journalists in SSU

Инна Герасимова
Виктория Викторова

Governor V.V. Radaev met with representatives of university media, youth programs, mass media and higher education institutions in Saratov State University. Governor’s Young Journalists Award winners also participated.

The meeting was dedicated to issues of cooperation between government, mass media and higher education institutions. First Deputy Minister for Information and Press of Saratov Region S.V. Balak opened the meeting.

Then Governor V.V. Radaev welcomed the party. He said that Saratov State University has prepared a lot of successful journalists who work in leading regional and national media. SSU journalist school boosts its history and traditions. Saratov administration needs active and creative media professionals to cover its work

In his speech SSU Rector, Prof. A.N. Chumachenko told about journalist education in the University and mentioned that Saratov State University has all the resources to prepare high-quality professionals.

Prof. V.V. Prozorov, SSU Institute of Philology and Journalism scientific advisor said Governor’s visit is very significant for the University. He told about annual journalist contest “Word Power” and suggested re-opening of Saratov Young Journalist Association that could be a perfect platform for professional exchange and discussions.

The meeting continued with the award ceremony. The winners are: Institute of Philology and Journalism 2-year student, “Word Power” contest winner Svetlana Gorokh, Institute of Philology and Journalism graduate, Oxford Russian Fund grantee, “Izvestia-Saratov” journalist Gulnara Amangalieva, Institute of Philology and Journalism 2-year Master student, “Heroes’ City” and “I like it” projects author Anna Antonova, Volga Cooperation Institute student, GTRK cameraman Danila Golovatenko. Institute of Philology and Journalism graduate, TVC-Saratov journalist Ksenia Yakubina won Alexandr Nikitin’s Award.

Associate Professor of the Department of Literary Studies and Journalism A.A. Suvorov opened the discussion part saying that the meeting gives an opportunity for exchange of ideas on Saratov image development projects as well as university and mass media work.

Head of SSU Media Center, Associate Professor of the Department of Literary Studies and Journalism K.A. Rozanov told about SSU corporate media - Saratov University newspaper, SGUschenka magazine, and news page on SSU website. They help to create a positive university image and show the university as an important element of Saratov Region educational, technological, cultural, social and sport spheres.

Institute of Philology and Journalism 2-year Master student Anna Antonova presented TV project “I like it”. It is made by university and school students and addresses youth-related issues.

Institute of Philology and Journalism 3-year student, “I like it” project editor Denis Ladonkin told about Young Journalist School work where school students learn the basics of journalism and prepare for university.

In conclusion V.V. Radaev said that cooperation between government and university media is very important and helps in solving different issues.