On 11 October, Saratov State University invites high school students, their parents and teachers to our traditional meeting to discuss new guidance rules for admission in 2015.the meeting takes place at 15:00 in the Assembly hall of Bldg. X.
Встреча будет проходить в актовом зале X корпуса СГУ (угол улиц Московской и Астраханской). Начало в 15:00.
The meeting will be attended by SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko, representative of rector’s office, Central admissions committee, faculty deans and institute directors. The guest will learn about the up-coming admission campaign and university programs. They will also get information about preparation courses available at the University.
For additional information contact the Central admissions committee at (8452) 51-92-26, Bldg. IX, office 110B 83 Astrakhanskaia street. Or visit our “How to apply” page.