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Parents' meeting takes place on 11 October

8 October, 2014 - 05:00

Parents' meeting takes place on 11 October

Инна Герасимова
Архив Редакционного отдела

On 11 October, Saratov State University invites high school students, their parents and teachers to our traditional meeting to discuss new guidance rules for admission in 2015.the meeting takes place at 15:00 in the Assembly hall of Bldg. X.

Встреча будет проходить в актовом зале X корпуса СГУ (угол улиц Московской и Астраханской). Начало в 15:00.

The meeting will be attended by SSU Rector A.N. Chumachenko, representative of rector’s office, Central admissions committee, faculty deans and institute directors. The guest will learn about the up-coming admission campaign and university programs. They will also get information about preparation courses available at the University.

For additional information contact the Central admissions committee at (8452) 51-92-26, Bldg. IX, office 110B 83 Astrakhanskaia street. Or visit our “How to apply” page.